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Glasswash & Dry Service

Locations: 3159 MRB 3, 4159 MRB 3, and CC-2302 MCN

Here are some instructions and hints for using the CDB resource glassware washers. There is a charge for using this item, consult our chargeback policy for specifics.


Preparing the Glassware

Please follow these instructions before loading your dishes into dishwashers. These are for ensuring that our equipment is not damaged and it is also to ensure that your dishes are cleaned properly (i.e., no filmy residue).

  • Dispose of solvents, buffers, media in the correct manner.
  • Gel residue (agarose or polyacrylamide) should be very minimal or absent on dishes to be washed. This is due to the recirculating nature of the machines, gel residue can be spread on all of your glassware by the normal washing cycle.
  • Parafilm and tape should be removed!!! Tape bits and parafilm residue can be spread by the normal washing cycle. The drying cycle will bake these bits of adhesive effluvia to a concrete consistency.
  • Encrusted and dry chemical residue may not come off under a normal cycle. It is best to soak these dishes, scrub resistant materials out, and dispose of that waste before a wash cycle.


Loading the Washer

There are several types of rack to choose from. The fewer the number of tines, the larger the piece of glassware that can be effectively cleaned. This table has the recommended capacity for the tine racks (called spindle headers by Steris):


Rack Size Erlenmeyer Flasks Graduated Cylinders Carboys & Bottles
2 x 4 500 mL to 1500 mL 250 mL to 500 mL 500 mL to 4 liters
3 x 6 250 mL to 300 mL 25 mL to 250 mL NA
4 x 8 50 mL to 250 mL 25 mL to 100 mL NA


For beakers, try to sit them over multiple tines if they are large, or put them in the basket attachment if they are small.

The basket (top left of the washer) should have the mesh metal cover placed on it during the wash cycle to prevent lightweight plastic items from being tossed into the bottom of the washer.

I do not recommend machine washing 4 L graduated cylinders; the water does not reach the entire length of the cylinder.

When loading the washer, work back to front.

The water is delivered from the hole at the top of each rack tine, so you can only put one piece of glassware on each tine. The water is routed to the tines by a series of gaskets. Each tine rack has a gasket that must fit over a corresponding supply gasket from the washer to operate correctly.



All cycles have the following components:

  • A pre-wash with cold water for one minute,
  • a wash cycle for 2 (Light), 4 (Medium), or 6 (Heavy) minutes with hot (150 degrees F) water
  • Rinse #1 with hot water for 1 minute
  • Rinse #2 with hot water for 1 minute
  • Dry at 180 degrees F for 15 minutes




Each wash room has a glass dryer which can be used as desired for glass or autoclave load drying.