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Mchaourab Lab Publications


Zhang R , Jagessar KL , Brownd M , Polasa A , Stein RA , Moradi M , Karakas E , Mchaourab HS , Conformational cycle of a protease-containing ABC transporter in lipid nanodiscs reveals the mechanism of cargo-protein coupling Nature Communications. 2024 20; 15 (1). 9055
Schwartz AC , Stein RA , Gil-Iturbe E , Quick M , Mchaourab HS , Alternating access of a bacterial homolog of neurotransmitter: sodium symporters determined from AlphaFold2 ensembles and DEER spectroscopy Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2024 ; 121 (40). e2406063121
Brown BP , Stein RA , Meiler J , Mchaourab HS , Approximating Projections of Conformational Boltzmann Distributions with AlphaFold2 Predictions: Opportunities and Limitations Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 2024 13; 20 (3). 1434-1447


Park J , MacGavin S , Niederbrach L , Mchaourab HS , Interplay between Nrf2 and αB-crystallin in the lens and heart of zebrafish under proteostatic stress Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2023 28; 10 1185704
Tang Q , Sinclair M , Hasdemir HS , Stein RA , Karakas E , Tajkhorshid E , Mchaourab HS , Asymmetric conformations and lipid interactions shape the ATP-coupled cycle of a heterodimeric ABC transporter Nature Communications. 2023 8; 14 (1). 7184
Sala D , Engelberger F , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Modeling conformational states of proteins with AlphaFold Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 2023 8; 81 102645
Gulsevin A , Han B , Porta JC , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Kenworthy AK , Template-free prediction of a new monotopic membrane protein fold and assembly by AlphaFold2 Biophysics Journal. 2023 6; 122 (11). 2041-2052


Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , SPEACH_AF: Sampling protein ensembles and conformational heterogeneity with Alphafold2 PLoS Computational Biology. 2022 22; 18 (8). e1010483
del Alamo D , DeSousa L , Nair RM , Rahman S , Meiler J , Mchaourab HS , Integrated AlphaFold2 and DEER investigation of the conformational dynamics of a pH-dependent APC antiporter Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022 23; 119 (34). e2206129119
del Alamo D , Meiler J , Mchaourab HS , Principles of Alternating Access in LeuT-fold Transporters: Commonalities and Divergences Journal of Molecular Biology. 2022 15; 434 (19). 167746
Sala D , del Alamo D , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Modeling of protein conformational changes with Rosetta guided by limited experimental data Structure. 2022 4; 30 (8). 1157-1168
Porta JC , Han B , Gulsevin A , Chung JM , Peskova Y , Connolly S , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Karakas E , Kenworthy AK , Ohi MD , Molecular architecture of the human caveolin-1 complex. Science Advances. 2022 11; 8 (19). eabn7232
Del Alamo D , Sala D , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Sampling alternative conformational states of transporters and receptors with AlphaFold2 Elife. 2022 3; 11 e75751
Overway EM , Bosma KJ , Claxton DP , Oeser JK , Singh K , Breidenbach LB , Mchaourab HS , Davis LK , O'Brien RM , Nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the G6PC2 gene affect protein expression, enzyme activity, and fasting blood glucose Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2022 Feb ; 298 (2). 101534
Claxton DP , Overway EM , Oeser JK , O'Brien RM , Mchaourab HS , Biophysical and functional properties of purified glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit 1 J Biol Chem. 2022 Jan ; 298 (1). 101520


Thaker TM , Mishra S , Zhou W , Mohan M , Tang Q , Faraldo-Gomé J , Mchaourab HS , Tomasiak TM , Asymmetric drug binding in an ATP-loaded inward-facing state of an ABC transporter Nat Chem Biol. 2021 20;
Schiemann O , Heubach CA , Abdullin D , Ackermann K , Azarkh M , Bagryanskaya EG , Drescher M , Endeward B , Freed JH , Galazzo L , Goldfarb D , Hett T , Hofer LE , Ibáñez LF , Hustedt EJ , Kucher S , Kuprov I , Lovett JE , Meyer A , Ruthstein S , Saxena S , Stoll S , Timmel CR , Valentin MD , Mchaourab HS , Prisner TF , Bode BE , Bordignon E , Bennati M , Jeschke G , Benchmark Test and Guidelines for DEER/PELDOR Experiments on Nitroxide-Labeled Biomolecules J Am Chem Soc. 2021 Nov 3; 143 (43). 17875-17890
Hustedt EJ , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Protein functional dynamics from the rigorous global analysis of DEER data: Conditions, components, and conformations J Gen Physiol. 2021 Nov 1; 53 (11). e201711954
Del Alamo D , Jagessar KL , Meiler J , Mchaourab HS , Methodology for rigorous modeling of protein conformational changes by Rosetta using DEER distance restraints PLoS Comput Biol. 2021 Jun 16; 7 (6). e1009107
Aguilar J , Cheng MH , Font J , Schwartz AC , Ledwitch K , Duran A , Mabry SJ , Belovich AN , Zhu Y , Carter AM , Shi L , Kurian MA , Fenollar-Ferrer C , Meiler J , Ryan RM , Mchaourab HS , Bahar , Matthies HJg , Galli A , Psychomotor impairments and therapeutic implications revealed by a mutation associated with infantile Parkinsonism-Dystonia Elife. 2021 May 18; 10 (e68039).
Del Alamo D , Govaerts C , Mchaourab HS , AlphaFold2 predicts the inward-facing conformation of the multidrug transporter LmrP Proteins. 2021 May 11; 89 (9). 1226–1228
Claxton DP , Jagessar KL , Mchaourab HS , Principles of Alternating Access in Multidrug and Toxin Extrusion (MATE) Transporters J Mol Biol . 2021 Aug 6; 433 (16). 166959
Castellano S , Claxton DP , Ficici E , Kusakizako T , Stix R , Zhou W , Nureki O , Mchaourab HS , Faraldo-Gómez JD , Conserved binding site in the N-lobe of prokaryotic MATE transporters suggests a role for Na + in ion-coupled drug efflux J Biol Chem. 2021 Jan 5; 296 (100262).


Han B , Porta JC , Hanks JL , Peskova Y , Binshtein E , Dryden K , Claxton DP , Mchaourab HS , Karakas E , Ohi MD , Kenworthy AK , Structure and assembly of CAV1 8S complexes revealed by single particle electron microscopy Sci Adv. 2020 Dec 2; 6 (49). eabc6185
Yardeni EH , Mishra S , Stein RA , Bibi E , Mchaourab HS , The Multidrug Transporter MdfA Deviates from the Canonical Model of Alternating Access of MFS Transporters J Mol Biol. 2020 Sep 18; 20 (432). 5665-5680
Debruycker V , Hutchin A , Masureel M , Masureel E , Martens C , Legrand P , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Faraldo-Gómez JD , Remaut H , Govaerts C , An embedded lipid in the multidrug transporter LmrP suggests a mechanism for polyspecificity Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2020 Sep 27; (9). 829-835
Chavan S , Cheng C , Jiang T , Mathews I , Stein RA , Koehl A , Mchaourab HS , Tajkhorshid E , Maduke M , A CLC-ec1 mutant reveals global conformational change and suggests a unifying mechanism for the CLC Cl -/H + transport cycle Elife. 2020 Apr 20; (9). e53479
Yang Z , Stein RA , Ngendahimana T , Pink M , Rajca S , Jeschke G , Eaton S , Mchaourab HS , Rajca A , Supramolecular Approach to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Distance Measurement of Spin-Labeled Proteins J Phys Chem B. 2020 Apr 23; 16 (124). 3291–3299
Jagessar L , Claxton P , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Sequence and structural determinants of ligand-dependent alternating access of a MATE transporter Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020 Feb 19;
Del Alamo D , Tessemer H , Stein RA , Felix B , Mchaourab HS , Meiler J , Rapid Simulation of Unprocessed DEER Decay Data for Protein Fold Prediction Biophysical Journal. 2020 Jan 21; 2 (118). 366-375


Yardeni E , Bahrenberg T , Stein RA , Mishra S , Zomot E , Graham B , Tuck K , Huber T , Bibi E , Mchaourab HS , Goldfarb D , Probing the solution structure of the E. coli multidrug transporter MdfA using DEER distance measurements with nitroxide and Gd(III) spin labels Scientific Reports . 2019 Aug 29; 9 (1). 12528
Dastvan R , Mishra S , Peskova YB , Robert N , Mchaourab HS , Mechanism of allosteric modulation of P-glycoprotein by transport substrates and inhibitors Science. 2019 May 17; 364 (6441). 689-692
Campbell NG , Shekar A , Aguilar JI , Peng D , Navratna V , Yang D , Morley AN , Duran AM , Galli G , O'Grady B , Ramachandran R , Sutcliffe JS , Sitte HH , Erreger K , Meiler J , Stockner T , Bellan LM , Matthies HJG , Gouaux E , Mchaourab HS , Galli A , Structural, functional, and behavioral insights of dopamine dysfunction revealed by a deletion in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 Feb 12; 116 (9). 3853-3862


Paz A , Claxton DP , Kumar JP , Kazmier K , Bisignano P , Sharma S , Nolte SA , Liwag TM , Nayak V , Wright EM , Grabe M , Mchaourab HS , Abramson J , Conformational transitions of the sodium-dependent sugar transporter, vSGLT Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Mar 05; 115 (12). E2742-E2751
Song X , Jensen MØ , Jogini V , Stein RA , Lee CH , Mchaourab HS , Shaw DE , Gouaux E , Mechanism of NMDA receptor channel block by MK-801 and memantine Nature. 2018 Apr 18; 556 (7702). 515-519
Claxton DP , Jagessar KL , Steed PR , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Sodium and proton coupling in the conformational cycle of a MATE antiporter from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Jun 18; 115 (27). E6182-E6190
Mishra S , Chandler SA , Williams D , Claxton DP , Koteiche HA , Stewart PL , Benesch JLP , Mchaourab HS , Engineering of a Polydisperse Small Heat-Shock Protein Reveals Conserved Motifs of Oligomer Plasticity Structure (London, England : 1993). 2018 Jul 05; 26 (8). 1116-1126.e4
Warren GM , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Eichman BF , Movement of the RecG Motor Domain upon DNA Binding Is Required for Efficient Fork Reversal International journal of molecular sciences. 2018 Oct 06; 19 (10).
Kusakizako T , Claxton DP , Tanaka Y , Maturana AD , Kuroda T , Ishitani R , Mchaourab HS , Nureki O , Structural Basis of H-Dependent Conformational Change in a Bacterial MATE Transporter Structure (London, England : 1993). 2018 Nov 15; 27 (2). 293-301.e3
Wu SY , Zou P , Mishra S , Mchaourab HS , Transgenic zebrafish models reveal distinct molecular mechanisms for cataract-linked αA-crystallin mutants PloS one. 2018 Nov 26; 13 (11). e0207540


Verhalen B , Dastvan R , Thangapandian S , Peskova Y , Koteiche HA , Nakamoto RK , Tajkhorshid E , Mchaourab HS , Energy transduction and alternating access of the mammalian ABC transporter P-glycoprotein Nature. 2017 Mar 13; 543 (7647). 738-741
Carra S , Alberti S , Arrigo PA , Benesch JL , Benjamin IJ , Boelens W , Bartelt-Kirbach B , Brundel BJJM , Buchner J , Bukau B , Carver JA , Ecroyd H , Emanuelsson C , Finet S , Golenhofen N , Goloubinoff P , Gusev N , Haslbeck M , Hightower LE , Kampinga HH , Klevit RE , Liberek K , Mchaourab HS , McMenimen KA , Poletti A , Quinlan R , Strelkov SV , Toth ME , Vierling E , Tanguay RM , The growing world of small heat shock proteins: from structure to functions Cell stress & chaperones. 2017 Mar 31; 22 (4). 601-611
Collauto A , Mishra S , Litvinov A , Mchaourab HS , Goldfarb D , Direct Spectroscopic Detection of ATP Turnover Reveals Mechanistic Divergence of ABC Exporters Structure (London, England : 1993). 2017 Jul 14; 25 (8). 1264-1274.e3
Mishra S , Wu SY , Fuller AW , Wang Z , Rose KL , Schey KL , Mchaourab HS , Loss of αB-crystallin function in zebrafish reveals critical roles in the development of the lens and stress resistance of the heart The Journal of biological chemistry. 2017 Nov 21; 293 (2). 740-753


Zhu S , Stein RA , Yoshioka C , Lee CH , Goehring A , Mchaourab HS , Gouaux E , Mechanism of NMDA Receptor Inhibition and Activation. Cell. 2016 Apr 6;
Arrigoni C , Rohaim A , Shaya D , Findeisen F , Stein RA , Nurva SR , Mishra S , Mchaourab HS , Minor DL , Unfolding of a Temperature-Sensitive Domain Controls Voltage-Gated Channel Activation. Cell. 2016 Feb 25; 164 (5). 922-36
Khantwal CM , Abraham SJ , Han W , Jiang T , Chavan TS , Cheng RC , Elvington SM , Liu CW , Mathews II , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Tajkhorshid E , Maduke M , Revealing an outward-facing open conformational state in a CLC Cl(-)/H(+) exchange transporter. eLife. 2016 ; 5
Dastvan R , Fischer AW , Mishra S , Meiler J , Mchaourab HS , Protonation-dependent conformational dynamics of the multidrug transporter EmrE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Feb 2; 113 (5). 1220-5
Krug U , Alexander NS , Stein RA , Keim A , Mchaourab HS , Sträter N , Meiler J , Characterization of the Domain Orientations of E. coli 5′-Nucleotidase by Fitting an Ensemble of Co… Structure (London, England : 1993). 2016 Jan 5; 24 (1). 43-56
Martens C , Stein RA , Masureel M , Roth A , Mishra S , Dawaliby R , Konijnenberg A , Sobott F , Govaerts C , Mchaourab HS , Lipids modulate the conformational dynamics of a secondary multidrug transporter Nature structural & molecular biology. 2016 Jul 11; 23 (8). 744-51
Wu SY , Zou P , Fuller AW , Mishra S , Wang Z , Schey KL , Mchaourab HS , Expression of Cataract-linked γ-Crystallin Variants in Zebrafish Reveals a Proteostasis Network That Senses Protein Stability The Journal of biological chemistry. 2016 Oct 21; 291 (49). 25387-25397
Kazmier K , Claxton DP , Mchaourab HS , Alternating access mechanisms of LeuT-fold transporters: trailblazing towards the promised energy landscapes Current opinion in structural biology. 2016 Dec 30; 45 100-108


Koteiche HA , Claxton DP , Mishra S , Stein RA , McDonald ET , Mchaourab HS , Species-Specific Structural and Functional Divergence of α-Crystallins: Zebrafish αBa- and Rodent … Biochemistry. 2015 Sep 29; 54 (38). 5949-58
Zou P , Wu SY , Koteiche HA , Mishra S , Levic DS , Knapik E , Chen W , Mchaourab HS , A conserved role of αA-crystallin in the development of the zebrafish embryonic lens. Experimental eye research. 2015 Sep ; 138 104-13
Claxton DP , Kazmier K , Mishra S , Mchaourab HS , Navigating Membrane Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Energy Landscapes Using Spin Labeling and EPR S… Methods in enzymology. 2015 ; 564 349-87
Mori T , Mchaourab H , Johnson CH , Circadian Clocks: Unexpected Biochemical Cogs. Current biology : CB. 2015 Oct 5; 25 (19). R842-4
Schmandt N , Velisetty P , Chalamalasetti SV , Stein RA , Bonner R , Talley L , Parker MD , Mchaourab HS , Yee VC , Lodowski DT , Chakrapani S , A chimeric prokaryotic pentameric ligand-gated channel reveals distinct pathways of activation. The Journal of general physiology. 2015 Oct ; 146 (4). 323-40
Kaur H , Lakatos A , Spadaccini R , Vogel R , Hoffmann C , Becker-Baldus J , Ouari O , Tordo P , Mchaourab H , Glaubitz C , The ABC exporter MsbA probed by solid state NMR – challenges and opportunities. Biological chemistry. 2015 Sep ; 396 (9-10). 1135-49
Meyer V , Swanson MA , Clouston LJ , Boratyński PJ , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Rajca A , Eaton SS , Eaton GR , Room-temperature distance measurements of immobilized spin-labeled protein by DEER/PELDOR. Biophysical journal. 2015 Mar 10; 108 (5). 1213-9
Anderson DM , Floyd KA , Barnes S , Clark JM , Clark JI , Mchaourab H , Schey KL , A method to prevent protein delocalization in imaging mass spectrometry of non-adherent tissues: app… Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 2015 Mar ; 407 (8). 2311-20


Kazmier K , Sharma S , Islam SM , Roux B , Mchaourab HS , Conformational cycle and ion-coupling mechanism of the Na+/hydantoin transporter Mhp1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014 Oct 14; 111 (41). 14752-7
Yu Z , Quine RW , Rinard GA , Tseitlin M , Elajaili H , Kathirvelu V , Clouston LJ , Boratyński PJ , Rajca A , Stein R , Mchaourab H , Eaton SS , Eaton GR , Rapid-scan EPR of immobilized nitroxides. Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. : 1997). 2014 Oct ; 247 67-71
Dürr KL , Chen L , Stein RA , De Zorzi R , Folea IM , Walz T , Mchaourab HS , Gouaux E , Structure and dynamics of AMPA receptor GluA2 in resting, pre-open, and desensitized states. Cell. 2014 Aug 14; 158 (4). 778-92
Mishra S , Verhalen B , Stein RA , Wen PC , Tajkhorshid E , Mchaourab HS , Conformational dynamics of the nucleotide binding domains and the power stroke of a heterodimeric AB… eLife. 2014 ; 3 e02740
Kazmier K , Sharma S , Quick M , Islam SM , Roux B , Weinstein H , Javitch JA , McHaourab HS , Conformational dynamics of ligand-dependent alternating access in LeuT. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2014 May ; 21 (5). 472-9
Masureel M , Martens C , Stein RA , Mishra S , Ruysschaert JM , Mchaourab HS , Govaerts C , Protonation drives the conformational switch in the multidrug transporter LmrP. Nature chemical biology. 2014 Feb ; 10 (2). 149-55


Hamilton PJ , Campbell NG , Sharma S , Erreger K , Herborg Hansen F , Saunders C , Belovich AN , , Sahai MA , Cook EH , Gether U , McHaourab HS , Matthies HJ , Sutcliffe JS , Galli A , De novo mutation in the dopamine transporter gene associates dopamine dysfunction with autism spectr… Molecular psychiatry. 2013 Dec ; 18 (12). 1315-23
Steed PR , Stein RA , Mishra S , Goodman MC , McHaourab HS , Na⁺-substrate coupling in the multidrug antiporter norm probed with a spin-labeled substrate. Biochemistry. 2013 Aug 27; 52 (34). 5790-9
Wen PC , Verhalen B , Wilkens S , Mchaourab HS , Tajkhorshid E , On the origin of large flexibility of P-glycoprotein in the inward-facing state. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 Jun 28; 288 (26). 19211-20
Islam SM , Stein RA , McHaourab HS , Roux B , Structural refinement from restrained-ensemble simulations based on EPR/DEER data: application to T4… The journal of physical chemistry. B. 2013 May 2; 117 (17). 4740-54
Shi J , Koteiche HA , McDonald ET , Fox TL , Stewart PL , McHaourab HS , Cryoelectron microscopy analysis of small heat shock protein 16.5 (Hsp16.5) complexes with T4 lysozy… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 Feb 15; 288 (7). 4819-30
Hamilton PJ , Campbell NG , Sharma S , Erreger K , Hansen FH , Saunders C , Belovich AN , Sahai MA , Cook EH , Gether U , McHaourab HS , Matthies HJ , Sutcliffe JS , Galli A , Drosophila melanogaster: a novel animal model for the behavioral characterization of autism-associat… Molecular psychiatry. 2013 Dec ; 18 (12). 1235
Steed PR , Zou P , Trone KE , Mchaourab HS , Structure and pH-induced structural rearrangements of the putative multidrug efflux pump EmrD in lip… Biochemistry. 2013 Nov 12; 52 (45). 7964-74
Alexander NS , Stein RA , Koteiche HA , Kaufmann KW , McHaourab HS , Meiler J , RosettaEPR: rotamer library for spin label structure and dynamics. PloS one. 2013 ; 8 (9). e72851


Mishra S , Stein RA , McHaourab HS , Cataract-linked γD-crystallin mutants have weak affinity to lens chaperones α-crystallins. FEBS letters. 2012 Feb 17; 586 (4). 330-6
Mishra S , Stein RA , Mchaourab HS , Cataract-linked γD-crystallin mutants have weak affinity to lens chaperones α-crystallins FEBS Letters. 2012 Jan 29; 4 (586). 330-6
Yirdaw RB , McHaourab HS , Direct observation of T4 lysozyme hinge-bending motion by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biophysical journal. 2012 Oct 3; 103 (7). 1525-36
McHaourab HS , Lin YL , Spiller BW , Crystal structure of an activated variant of small heat shock protein Hsp16.5. Biochemistry. 2012 Jun 26; 51 (25). 5105-12
McDonald ET , Bortolus M , Koteiche HA , Mchaourab HS , Sequence, structure, and dynamic determinants of Hsp27 (HspB1) equilibrium dissociation are encoded … Biochemistry. 2012 Feb 14; 51 (6). 1257-68


Hoffman L , Stein RA , Colbran RJ , Mchaourab HS , Conformational changes underlying calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activation. The EMBO journal. 2011 Apr 6; 30 (7). 1251-62
Kazmier K , Alexander NS , Meiler J , McHaourab HS , Algorithm for selection of optimized EPR distance restraints for de novo protein structure determina… Journal of structural biology. 2011 Mar ; 173 (3). 549-57
Hirst SJ , Alexander N , McHaourab HS , Meiler J , RosettaEPR: an integrated tool for protein structure determination from sparse EPR data. Journal of structural biology. 2011 Mar ; 173 (3). 506-14
McHaourab HS , Steed PR , Kazmier K , Toward the fourth dimension of membrane protein structure: insight into dynamics from spin-labeling … Structure (London, England : 1993). 2011 Nov 9; 19 (11). 1549-61
Mushrush DJ , Koteiche HA , Sammons MA , Link AJ , McHaourab HS , Lacy DB , Studies of the mechanistic details of the pH-dependent association of botulinum neurotoxin with memb… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011 Jul 29; 286 (30). 27011-8


Tycko R , Savtchenko R , Ostapchenko VG , Makarava N , Baskakov IV , The α-helical C-terminal domain of full-length recombinant PrP converts to an in-register parallel … Biochemistry. 2010 Nov 9; 49 (44). 9488-97
Qin X , Byrne M , Mori T , Zou P , Williams DR , McHaourab H , Johnson CH , Intermolecular associations determine the dynamics of the circadian KaiABC oscillator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Aug 17; 107 (33). 14805-10
Claxton DP , Quick M , Shi L , de Carvalho FD , Weinstein H , Javitch JA , McHaourab HS , Ion/substrate-dependent conformational dynamics of a bacterial homolog of neurotransmitter:sodium sy… Nature structural & molecular biology. 2010 Jul ; 17 (7). 822-9
Amadi ST , Koteiche HA , Mishra S , McHaourab HS , Structure, dynamics, and substrate-induced conformational changes of the multidrug transporter EmrE … The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010 Aug 20; 285 (34). 26710-8
Gustot A , Smriti , Ruysschaert JM , McHaourab H , Govaerts C , Lipid composition regulates the orientation of transmembrane helices in HorA, an ABC multidrug trans… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010 May 7; 285 (19). 14144-51


Zou P , Bortolus M , McHaourab HS , Conformational cycle of the ABC transporter MsbA in liposomes: detailed analysis using double electr… Journal of molecular biology. 2009 Oct 30; 393 (3). 586-97
McHaourab HS , Godar JA , Stewart PL , Structure and mechanism of protein stability sensors: chaperone activity of small heat shock protein… Biochemistry. 2009 May 12; 48 (18). 3828-37
Smriti P , Zou HS , McHaourab , Mapping daunorubicin-binding Sites in the ATP-binding cassette transporter MsbA using site-specific … The Journal of biological chemistry. 2009 May 15; 284 (20). 13904-13
Latham JC , Stein RA , Bornhop DJ , Mchaourab HS , Free-solution label-free detection of alpha-crystallin chaperone interactions by back-scattering int… Analytical chemistry. 2009 Mar 1; 81 (5). 1865-71
Kumar MS , Koteiche HA , Claxton DP , Mchaourab HS , Disulfide cross-links in the interaction of a cataract-linked alphaA-crystallin mutant with betaB1-c… FEBS letters. 2009 Jan 5; 583 (1). 175-9
Zou P , McHaourab HS , Alternating access of the putative substrate-binding chamber in the ABC transporter MsbA. Journal of molecular biology. 2009 Oct 30; 393 (3). 574-85


McHaourab HS , Mishra S , Koteiche HA , Amadi SH , Role of sequence bias in the topology of the multidrug transporter EmrE. Biochemistry. 2008 Aug 5; 47 (31). 7980-2
Alexander N , Bortolus M , Al-Mestarihi A , Mchaourab H , Meiler J , De novo high-resolution protein structure determination from sparse spin-labeling EPR data. Structure (London, England : 1993). 2008 Feb ; 16 (2). 181-95
Claxton DP , Zou P , Mchaourab HS , Structure and orientation of T4 lysozyme bound to the small heat shock protein alpha-crystallin. Journal of molecular biology. 2008 Jan 25; 375 (4). 1026-39


McHaourab HS , Kumar MS , Koteiche HA , Specificity of alphaA-crystallin binding to destabilized mutants of betaB1-crystallin. FEBS letters. 2007 May 15; 581 (10). 1939-43
Koteiche HA , Kumar MS , McHaourab HS , Analysis of betaB1-crystallin unfolding equilibrium by spin and fluorescence labeling: evidence of a… FEBS letters. 2007 May 15; 581 (10). 1933-8
Mori T , Williams DR , Byrne MO , Qin X , Egli M , Mchaourab HS , Stewart PL , Johnson CH , Elucidating the ticking of an in vitro circadian clockwork. PLoS biology. 2007 Apr ; 5 (4). e93
Zou P , Surendhran K , Mchaourab HS , Distance measurements by fluorescence energy homotransfer: evaluation in T4 lysozyme and correlation… Biophysical journal. 2007 Feb 15; 92 (4). L27-9
Cobb NJ , Sönnichsen FD , McHaourab H , Surewicz WK , Molecular architecture of human prion protein amyloid: a parallel, in-register beta-structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 Nov 27; 104 (48). 18946-51
Borbat PP , Surendhran K , Bortolus M , Zou P , Freed JH , Mchaourab HS , Conformational motion of the ABC transporter MsbA induced by ATP hydrolysis. PLoS biology. 2007 Oct ; 5 (10). e271


Shi J , Koteiche HA , McHaourab HS , Stewart PL , Cryoelectron microscopy and EPR analysis of engineered symmetric and polydisperse Hsp16.5 assemblies… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 Dec 29; 281 (52). 40420-8
Koteiche HA , Mchaourab HS , Mechanism of a hereditary cataract phenotype. Mutations in alphaA-crystallin activate substrate bind… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2006 May 19; 281 (20). 14273-9


Koteiche HA , Chiu S , Majdoch RL , Stewart PL , Mchaourab HS , Atomic models by cryo-EM and site-directed spin labeling: application to the N-terminal region of Hs… Structure (London, England : 1993). 2005 Aug ; 13 (8). 1165-71
Altenbach C , Froncisz W , Hemker R , McHaourab H , Hubbell WL , Accessibility of nitroxide side chains: absolute Heisenberg exchange rates from power saturation EPR… Biophysical journal. 2005 Sep ; 89 (3). 2103-12
Dong J , Yang G , McHaourab HS , Structural basis of energy transduction in the transport cycle of MsbA. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2005 May 13; 308 (5724). 1023-8
Shashidharamurthy R , Koteiche HA , Dong J , McHaourab HS , Mechanism of chaperone function in small heat shock proteins: dissociation of the HSP27 oligomer is … The Journal of biological chemistry. 2005 Feb 18; 280 (7). 5281-9


Sathish HA , Koteiche HA , McHaourab HS , Binding of destabilized betaB2-crystallin mutants to alpha-crystallin: the role of a folding interme… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2004 Apr 16; 279 (16). 16425-32


Sathish HA , Stein RA , Yang G , Mchaourab HS , Mechanism of chaperone function in small heat-shock proteins. Fluorescence studies of the conformati… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 Nov 7; 278 (45). 44214-21
Koteiche HA , Reeves MD , McHaourab HS , Structure of the substrate binding pocket of the multidrug transporter EmrE: site-directed spin labe… Biochemistry. 2003 May 27; 42 (20). 6099-105
Koteiche HA , McHaourab HS , Mechanism of chaperone function in small heat-shock proteins. Phosphorylation-induced activation of … The Journal of biological chemistry. 2003 Mar 21; 278 (12). 10361-7


Mchaourab HS , Dodson EK , Koteiche HA , Mechanism of chaperone function in small heat shock proteins. Two-mode binding of the excited states… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2002 Oct 25; 277 (43). 40557-66
Koteiche HA , Mchaourab HS , The determinants of the oligomeric structure in Hsp16.5 are encoded in the alpha-crystallin domain. FEBS letters. 2002 May 22; 519 (1-3). 16-22
Borbat PP , McHaourab HS , Freed JH , Protein structure determination using long-distance constraints from double-quantum coherence ESR: s… Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2002 May 15; 124 (19). 5304-14
Mansoor SE , McHaourab HS , Farrens DL , Mapping proximity within proteins using fluorescence spectroscopy. A study of T4 lysozyme showing th… Biochemistry. 2002 Feb 26; 41 (8). 2475-84


Bova MP , McHaourab HS , Han Y , Fung BK , Subunit exchange of small heat shock proteins. Analysis of oligomer formation of alphaA-crystallin a… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2000 Jan 14; 275 (2). 1035-42
Kaplan RS , Mayor JA , Kotaria R , Walters DE , McHaourab HS , The yeast mitochondrial citrate transport protein: determination of secondary structure and solvent … Biochemistry. 2000 Aug 8; 39 (31). 9157-63
Haley DA , Bova MP , Huang QL , Mchaourab HS , Stewart PL , Small heat-shock protein structures reveal a continuum from symmetric to variable assemblies. Journal of molecular biology. 2000 Apr 28; 298 (2). 261-72


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