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Basic Services

There are few basic science labs who haven't heard of a speedvac or who doesn't need some form of centrifugation from time-to-time. And what lab doesn't need an autoclave, some dry ice, or liquid nitrogen to freeze down cells?

Acquiring all the necessary equipment to independently sustain an individual lab is costly and the ongoing maintenance and service contracts can break most lab's budgets. In response, CDB reliably and affordably provides a wide variety of equipment in our "Basic Services" category. These services are designed to support your day-to-day work without significant capital investment or large overhead.

As always, CDB promotes a highly collaborative environment. That being said, there are a few of these non-charge items which can be preferentially reserved by CDB labs depending on demand (i.e., incubator shakers and backup freezer space). Please make a note of these special arrangements as you review our website.