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Hinton Lab bioRxiv & medrxiv Preprints

  1. Wanjalla, C.N., Simmons, J., Oakes, J., Zhang, X., Nochowicz, C., Priest, S., Bailin, S.S., Warren, C.M., Mashayekhi, M., Beasley, H.K., Wang, J., Meenderink, L., Sheng, Q., Stolze, J., Gangula, R., Chopra, A., Gabriel, C.L., Temu, T., Pakala, S., Wilfong, E.M., Gianella, S., Phillips, E.J., Harrison, D.G., Hinton, A.,Kalams, S.A., Mallal, S.A., Koethe, J.R. Distinct CD3+ CD14+ T Cell-Monocytes are dynamic complexes that harbor HIV and are increased with glucose intolerance (Cell Reports, In Revision)
  2. Obare, L. M., Priest, S., Ismael, A., Mashayekhi, M., Zhang, X., Stolze, L. K., Sheng, Q., Vue, Z., Neikirk, K., Beasley, H., Gabriel, C., Temu, T., Gianella, S., Mallal, S., Koethe, J. R., Hinton, A., Bailin, S., & Wanjalla, C. N. (2024). Cytokine and Chemokine Receptor Profiles in Adipose Tissue Vasculature Unravel Endothelial Cell Responses in HIV. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, 2024.03.10.584280. (Submitted, Journal of Cellular Physiology)
  3. Vue Z., Garza-Lopez E., Neikirk, K., Shao, J., Christensen, T., Mungai, M., Vang., L., Beasley, H., Marshall, A., Crabtree, A., Stephens, D., Murray, S.A., Exil, V., D, Dai, D., Damo, S. Hinton, A. Human Heart Failure Alters Mitochondria and Fiber 3D Structure Triggering Metabolic Shifts bioRxiv 2023.11.28.569095; doi: (Submitted, Circulation Research)
  4. Scudese, E., Vue, Z., Marshall, A., Vang, L., López, E. G., Neikirk, K., … Hinton, A. (2023). 3D Mitochondrial Structure in Aging Human Skeletal Muscle: Insights into MFN-2 Mediated Changes. bioRxiv 2023.11.13.566502; doi: (In Revision, Aging Cell)
  5. Garza-Lopez, E., Neikirk, K., Vue., Z. Shao, J., Christensen, T., Mungai, M., Vang., L., Beasley, H., Marshal, A., Crabtree, A., Stephens, D., Murray, S.A., Exil, V., D, Dai, D., Damo, S., Hinton, A. 3D reconstructions of Liver Tissue Reveals Altered Mitochondrial Morphology Changes Across Aging (Direct Submission to Aging Cell)
  6. Vue Z., Garza-Lopez E., Neikirk, K., Shao, J., Christensen, T., Mungai, M., Vang., L., Beasley, H., Marshal, A., Crabtree, A., Stephens, D., Murray, S.A., Exil, V., D, Dai, D., Damo, S. Hinton, A. Changes in Subcellular Specialization of Mitochondrial Morphology in Kidney Tissue Across Aging (Direct Submission to Redox Biology)
  7. Albritton, C. F., Neikirk, K., Ishimwe, J. A., Sheng, Q., Laffer, C. L., Wanjalla, C. N., Beasley, H. K., Marshall, A. G., Vue, Z., Kleyman, T. R., Hinton, A.*, & Kirabo, A.* Glucocorticoid Signaling in Monocytes via Cortisol Promotes Salt-sensitive Hypertension in Humans. Journal (Submitted, Hypertension)