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Mentoring Covers & Publications

Hinton Lab Mentoring Publications

  1. Beasley, H. K., Vue, Z., McReynolds, M. R., Garza-Lopez, E., Neikirk, K., Mungai, M., Marshall, A. G., Shao, B., Benjamin, J. I., Wanjalla, C. N., Williams, C. R., Murray, S. A., Jordan, V. K., Shuler, H. D., Kirabo, A., & Hinton, A., Jr (2024). A Review of Successful Undergraduate Programs. (STAR Protocols, In Press)
  2. Beasley, H. K., Vue, Z., McReynolds, M. R., Garza-Lopez, E., Neikirk, K., Mungai, M., Marshall, A. G., Shao, B., Benjamin, J. I., Wanjalla, C. N., Williams, C. R., Murray, S. A., Jordan, V. K., Shuler, H. D., Kirabo, A., & Hinton, A., Jr (2024). Running a successful STEMM summer program: A week-by-week guide. Journal of cellular physiology, 10.1002/jcp.31227.
  3. Spencer, E. C., Neikirk, K., Campbell, S. L., Powell-Roach, K. L., Morton, D., Shuler, H., … & Hinton, A. (2022). Intentional and unintentional benefits of minority writing accountability groups. Trends in microbiology, 30(11), 1015-1018.
  4. Murray, S. A., Shuler, H., Spencer, E. C., & Hinton, A., Jr (2022). Mentoring future science leaders to thrive. Trends in pharmacological sciences, S0165-6147(22)00062-1. (Cover Article)
  5. Murray, S. A., Davis, J., Shuler, H. D., Spencer, E. C., & Hinton, A., Jr (2022). Time management for STEMM students during the continuing pandemic. Trends in biochemical sciences47(4), 279–283. (Cover Article)
  6. Davis-Reyes, B., Starbird, C., Fernandez, A. I., McCall, T., Hinton, A. O., Jr, & Termini, C. M. (2022). Shadow mentoring: a cost-benefit review for reform.Trends in cancer, S2405-8033(22)00112-1.
  7. De Lora, J. A., Hinton, A., Jr, & Termini, C. M. (2022). Creating inclusive environments in cell biology by casual mentoring.Trends in cell biology, S0962-8924(22)00110-6.
  8. Murray, S. A., Hinton, A., Jr, & Spencer, E. C. (2022). Developing cultural humility in immunology and STEMM mentoring. Trends in immunology43(4), 259–261.
  9. Shuler, H., Cazares, V., Marshall, A., Garza-Lopez, E., Hultman, R., Francis, T. K., Rolle, T., Byndloss, M. X., Starbird, C. A., Hicsasmaz, I., AshShareef, S., Neikirk, K., Johnson, P., Vue, Z., Beasley, H. K., Williams, A., & Hinton, A. (2021). Intentional mentoring: maximizing the impact of underrepresented future scientists in the 21st century. Pathogens and disease79(6), ftab038.
  10. Termini, C. M., Hinton, A. O., Jr, Garza-López, E., Koomoa, D. L., Davis, J. S., & Martínez-Montemayor, M. M. (2021). Building Diverse Mentoring Networks that Transcend Boundaries in Cancer Research.Trends in cancer7(5), 385–388.
  11. Termini, C. M., McReynolds, M. R., Rutaganira, F., Roby, R. S., Hinton, A. O., Jr, Carter, C. S., Huang, S. C., Vue, Z., Martinez, D., Shuler, H. D., & Taylor, B. L. (2021). Mentoring during Uncertain Times.Trends in biochemical sciences46(5), 345–348.
  12. Training during a pandemicCell reports. Medicine, 2021.  2(4), 100258. Voice Article (co-author) (One of 11 authors featured in Article).
  13. Hinton, A. O., Jr, Vue, Z., Termini, C. M., Taylor, B. L., Shuler, H. D., & McReynolds, M. R. (2020). Mentoring minority trainees: Minorities in academia face specific challenges that mentors should address to instill confidence.EMBO reports21(10), e51269. (Corresponding Author)
  14. McReynolds, M. R.*, Termini, C. M.*, Hinton, A. O., Jr, Taylor, B. L., Vue, Z., Huang, S. C., Roby, R. S., Shuler, H., & Carter, C. S. (2020). The art of virtual mentoring in the twenty-first century for STEM majors and beyond.Nature biotechnology38(12), 1477–1482.