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Lab Photos & Lab Outings

Hinton Lab Discusses Science over Dinner with Dr. Yong Xu.

Hinton Laboratory welcoming Ashton Oliver and Dr. Estevao Scudese.

Hinton laboratory ending Summer 2023.

Hinton Laboratory Dinner Celebrating Submission of Dr. Estevao Scudese and Dr. Zer Vue research manuscripts.

Working on 3D reconstruction.

Hinton lab at work on cell culture.

Hinton Lab Presenting Posters at ABRCMS 2023.

The Hinton lab’s first full in-person team meeting at the beginning of the lab’s organization.


The Hinton lab celebrating the acceptance of a review to Cells journal at the “Angel Wings” located in downtown Nashville. The authors of the reviewed photographed above (from left to right), Heather Beasley, Andrea Marshall, Antentor Hinton, and Edgar Garza-Lopez. This review documented TMEM 135’s role in mitochondria and the graphical abstract, created by the first author Heather Beasley, is below.

The Hinton lab celebrates three birthdays for AJ, Heather, and Zer!


The Hinton Lab celebrating the publication of a DEI article by Andrea Marshall (left). Also on the article was Edgar Garza-Lopez (middle), while Antentor Hinton (right) was the senior author.  This article was published in Pathogens and Diseases (


The Hinton lab celebrating the submission of an article to Cells journal at a local restaurant in Nashville. Pictured (from left to right) are Andrea Marshall, Heather Beasley, Antentor Hinton, and Edgar Lopez-Garza, all authors on the article.  The article, offering a standardization of the TEM protocol, can be found here:


The Hinton lab preparing operations and setting up in July 2021.


The office of Dr. Hinton in the newly established Hinton Lab, along with awards bestowed upon Dr. Hinton.


Dr. Hinton meeting getting card for access into newly established Hinton lab.


Edgar Garza Lopez working in the lab on the 3D segmentation and reconstruction of organelles.