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Kody Wolfe has his SEM image selected as a finalist in two different competitions.

Posted by on Sunday, December 1, 2019 in Uncategorized.

*Click article with caution: Warning for Trypophobia*

Kody Wolfe had his SEM image selected as a finalist in two different competitions, the Materials Research Society Science as Art Competition at their Spring 2019 Meeting, and  the 2019 VINSE Nanoday Image Competition. Congratulations Kody on your wonderful balance of art and science!


“These microscale “honeycombs” are yet another example of how nature repeats common patterns and structures on various length scales. Similar to honeybee’s use of hexagonal honeycombs, the polystyrene microspheres used as a template for this porous indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode self-assembled into a hexagonal packed structure. After the microspheres are removed, the resulting pores closely resemble empty honeycombs. These 5-micrometer “MicroCombs” are later used to entrap proteins, rather than honey, for photoelectrochemical studies.”