Berkley M. Ellis
Graduate Student, The McLean Group
University of Lynchburg, VA – B.S.
Berkley is originally from Columbus, Ohio. He attended Lynchburg College (now University of Lynchburg) for his undergraduate degree, where he was an active member of the school’s lacrosse team and the chemistry program. His current research interests encompass theoretical and experimental collisional cross sections in ion mobility mass spectrometry as well as more applied topics in metabolomics.
Philips S.T., Dodds J.N., Ellis B.M., May J.C., McLean J.A. Chiral Separations of Diastereomers of the Cyclic Nonapeptides Vasopressin and Desmopressin by Uniform Field Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry, Chem. Commun. 2018, 54(68): 9398-9401.