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Group Photographs




Front row, left to right: David Koomen and Prof. Jody May.
Middle row, left to right: Prof. John McLean, Kyle Lira, Allison Reardon, and Nadjali Chung.
Back row, left to right: Ben Blakley, Prof. Katrina Leaptrot, and Hawkins Shepard.

Photo courtesy of Kameron Molloy.



Front row, left to right: Prof. Katrina Leaptrot, David Koomen, Allison Reardon, and Prof. John McLean.
Middle row, left to right: Emanuel Zlibut, Kyle Lira, Madelyn James, and Prof. Jody May.
Back row, left to right: Hawkins Shepard, Alex Toler, Ben Blakley, and Nadjali Chung.

Photo courtesy of Kameron Molloy.



Left to right – David Koomen, Prof. Katrina Leaptrot, Emanuel Zlibut, Nadjali Chung, Amelia Taylor, Hawkins Shepard, Allison Reardon, Prof. John McLean, Jared Robinson, Prof. Jody May, and Bailey Rose.

Photo courtesy of Jody May.



Left to right: Prof. John McLean, Prof. Simona Codreanu, Prof. Jody May, Prof. Alexandra Schrimpe-Rutledge, Kevin Buck, Bailey Rose, James Poland, Rachel Harris, Dr. Katrina Leaptrot, Jaqueline Picache, Berkley Ellis, Amelia Taylor, Nadjali Chung, Prof. Stacy Sherrod, and Don Davis.

Photo courtesy of Vanessa Allwardt.




Front row, left to right: Prof. John McLean, Caleb Morris, Don Davis, Berk Ellis, Tiffany Crescentini, James Dodds, Jackie Picache, Prof. Jody May, Prof. Alex Schrimpe-Rutledge. Back row, left to right: Andrzej Balinski, James Poland, Dr. Charles Nichols, and Jay Holman.

Photo courtesy of Vanessa Allwardt.




Left to right: Prof. John McLean, Katie Leaptrot, Kelly Hines, James Poland, Dr. Ewa Jurneczko, Ray Keller, Sarah Stow, Cody Goodwin, Nichole Lareau, Caleb Morris, James Dodds, Andrew Cognata, Chatney Spencer, Rafael Montenegro, and Prof. Jody May.

Photo courtesy of Vanessa Allwardt.




Back row, left to right: Katie Leaptrot, James Poland, Cody Goodwin, Jay Forsythe, and Rafael Montenegro. Front row, left to right: Sarah Stow, Nichole Lareau, Kelly Hines, Prof. Jody May, Prof. John McLean, and Allison Galassie.




Front row from left to right: Michal Kliman, Prof. Jody May, Jeff Enders, Sevugarajan Sundarapandian, Seth Byers, Jay Forsythe, Josh Kerr. Back row from left to right: Professor John McLean, Kelly Hines, Dr. Larissa S. Fenn, Cody Goodwin.




Front row, left to right: Randi Gant-Branum, Niki Arinze, Professor John McLean, Briana Baxter, Larissa Fenn. (Second row from left to right) Jamie Hutton, Sevugarajan Sundarapandian, Josh Kerr, Peter DelNero. Back row, left to right: Cody Goodwin, Jeff Enders.

Photograph taken by Steve Green, Vanderbilt University.