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‘Lab members’

Congratulations, goodbye, and good luck, Zac!

Jun. 7, 2018—Grad student Zac Elmore defended his thesis entitled "Stay on target: The kinase domain of CK1 enzymes contains the localization information essential for Dma1-mediated mitotic checkpoint signaling" on February 23, 2018.  This week we said good bye to Zac as he departed for North Carolina where he will continue his training in the lab of...

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Welcome, Charita!

Jun. 7, 2018—Charita is an undergraduate student at Vanderbilt who will be doing research under Chloe Snider's mentorship. We asked her some questions to get to know her…    Where did you grow up/where were you before Vanderbilt/what do you consider to be your “hometown”?  I spent most of my childhood in Georgia, but I was actually...

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Summer student Luul presents her work at the VSSA Symposium

Jun. 6, 2018—Luul Aden has spent the last 8 weeks working in the Gould lab and today she presented her work at the VSSA 15th Annual Student Research Symposium.    After this summer, Luul will start her junior year at Vanderbilt as a Molecular Biology major. In the future, Luul hopes to go to medical school and maybe even continue doing...

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Meet our newest member: Gabriele Juskeviciute

Jun. 6, 2018—We are so happy to welcome Gabby to the lab!  Gabby joined in July and has been slowly assuming the responsibilities of lab manager and supervisor of our undergraduate student workers.  She is off to a great start!    We asked Gabby a few questions to get to know her better…  Where are you from?...

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Congratulations, Dr. Jones!

Jun. 6, 2018—We celebrated our last defense of the summer! Christine Jones presented her thesis "Regulation of the key mitotic checkpoint protein Dma1 through post-translational modifications."  Thanks to all of Christine's friends and family who joined us for this occasion!  Christine has moved on to work as a Senior Associate Scientist at AxioMX (an Abcam company).  Christine's excellent...

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