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Check out Chris Fullenkamp’s JACS paper: Synthesis of 9-Dechlorochrysophaentin A Enables Studies Revealing Bacterial Cell Wall Biosynthesis Inhibition Phenotype in B. subtilis . Awesome to see his hard work paying off!

Chris recently had his paper An improved synthesis of hemichrysophaentin-AB fragment of chrysophaentin A published. Give it a read!

Congratulations to Chris on successfully defending his PhD dissertation! Chris gave an inspired presentation via Zoom during these unprecedented times. He is taking his talents to the Schneekloth group at the NCI where he will join the lab as a postdoctoral associate. We know Chris will make us proud!

We have a new Tetrahedron Letters paper describing the chemical synthesis of tetranor-PGE1! Nice work, team!

Chris passed his IRP exam with flying colors! Great job!

Check out our most recent paper in Organic Letters: Synthesis of a Human Urinary Metabolite of Prostaglandin D2 . Excellent work by Jennifer and Zach on their first publication!

Congratulations to Jennifer on successfully defending her PhD dissertation! She will be joining the Pomerantz lab at the University of Minnesota as a postdoctoral associate.

Alex and Jade passed their qualifying exams. Nice work!!

Congratulations to Jade on her recent publication Synthesis of the Siderophore Coelichelin and Its Utility as a Probe in the Study of Bacterial  Metal Sensing and Response.

Calvin and Danielle passed their preliminary exams. Wahoo!

Nice work to Quinn Bumpers and Zach Austin for passing their qualifying exams!

Congratulations to Robert Davis for successfully defending his PhD dissertation!  He’s accepted a position as a Senior Scientist at TreeHouse Biotech.

Welcome to our newest lab members Danielle Penk and Calvin Larson!

Congratulations to Robby for passing his IRP exam!

Great Job to Chris Fullenkamp and Jason Hudlicky for passing their qualifying exams!

Congratulations to Katherine for successfully defending her PhD dissertation!  We wish her the best at her new position as a medicinal scientist at Enanta!

Check out this article in Vanderbilt News about a recent project we collaborated on with the Skaar lab:

Welcome aboard, Jade Williams! We’re excited you’ve joined our team!

Congratulations to Katherine for passing her IRP exam!

Welcome to our newest lab member, Alex Allweil!  Glad to have you with us!

Congratulations to Zach and Quinn for passing their preliminary exams!

Congratulations to Dr. Wenzler on her two recent publications A concise Diels–Alder strategy leading to congeners of the ABC ring system of the marine alkaloid ‘upenamide and An unexpected effect of acetal stereochemistry on the course of its reductive cleavage!

Congratulations to Brendan for successfully defending his PhD dissertation! He will be joining the Weaver lab at Vanderbilt University as a postdoctoral fellow.

Congratulations to Robby for passing his qualifying exam!

Welcome to our newest lab members, Zach Austin and Quinn Bumpers!

Congratulations to Katie on her recent publication The use of fluorescently-tagged apoptolidins in cellular uptake and response studies!

Congratulations to Brendan on his recent publication Decoupling Activation of Heme Biosynthesis from Anaerobic Toxicity in a Molecule Active in Staphylococcus aureus!

Congratulations to Jenny for passing her qualifying exam!

Congratulations to Marta for successfully defending her PhD dissertation! She will be joining the Lindsley lab at Vanderbilt University as a postdoctoral fellow.

Congratulations to Jonathan Hempel on his new position as a research scientist at Novartis!

Congratulations to Bobby for successfully defending his PhD dissertation! He will be joining the Schneekloth lab at the National Cancer Institute as a postdoctoral fellow.

Congratulations to Susan for passing her qualifying exam!

Congratulations to Katie for passing her qualifying exam!

Welcome to our new lab members Jason Hudlicky and Chris Fullenkamp!

Congratulations to Aleksandra Baranczak on her new position as Senior Scietnist I in chemistry at AbbVie!

Congratulations to Sean on his recent publication Fluorescent Probes of the Apoptolidins and their Utility in Cellular Localization Studies!

Congratulations to Jenny for passing her preliminary exam!

Congratulations to Robby for passing his preliminary exam!