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Congratulations, Dr. Willet!

Jun. 6, 2018—Alaina successfully defended her thesis "Mechanisms regulating cytokinetic contractile ring formation and anchoring Schizosaccharomyces pombe."   We celebrated all of Alaina's contributions to the lab and scientific community including mentorship of rotation students (e.g. Chloe) and undergraduates (e.g. Hannah), quantitative microscopy techniques that she learned at Woods Hole, and the widespread adaptation of the mNeonGreen fluorophore by our lab and...

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Congratulations, Dr. McDonald!

Jun. 6, 2018—Nathan successfully defended his thesis entitled "Nanoscale architecture of F-BAR proteins and the Schizosaccharomyces pombe contractile ring." His thesis work has been published in numerous papers and he has written numerous reviews:  McDonald NA, Gould KL. Linking up at the BAR: oligomerization and F-BAR protein function. Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.). 2016 May 31.PMID: 27245932. McDonald NA, et al. The Tubulation Activity...

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Visit Gould Lab posters at ASCB2017

Jun. 6, 2018—The Gould Lab is busy putting finishing touches on posters to present at ASCB.  We hope that you'll stop by our posters or otherwise find us to discuss about our latest results! Our official presentation times are:   

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Alaina’s paper accepted at MBoC!

Jun. 6, 2018—2018 is off to a great start: MBoC has recently accepted a manuscript by Alaina Willet, a post-doc in the Gould lab!  This paper builds on the work of former graduate student Adam Bohnert, which demonstrated phospho-regulation of the formin Cdc12, which is essential for forming the actin of the contractile ring. Adam also identified Sid2 as one of Cdc12's regulatory...

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Welcome new rotation student: Tony Rossi

Jun. 6, 2018—We are excited to welcome Tony Rossi to the lab! Tony is a first-year IGP student who is spending his third rotation with us. He is working under the mentorship of post-doc Alaina Willet. We asked Tony a few questions to get to know him!  How did you get here (e.g. hometown, undergrad, previous research experiences)? I'm...

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