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Lab news:

  • Rachel Eimen presented at the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Optics and Photonics in Medicine and Biology.

Rachel in front of her poster at GRC.

Rachel accepting the Incyte Ingenuity award.

Grace in front of her poster at MIDL2023.

  • Joe Malone successfully completed his dissertation and defended his PhD!

Joe in front of Bowden lab members wearing matching shirts made for his defense.

  • Grace Chang successfully completed her dissertation and defended her PhD!

Grace in front of Bowden lab members wearing matching shirts made for her defense.

Yunqin presenting “Simple and low-cost fabrication of well-of-the-well (WOW) dishes with arbitrary shapes for embryo culture”

  • Seth Crawford presented at the 2022 Society for functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (SfNIRS) Biennial Conference!

Seth presenting “An fNIRS Platform for Precision Mental Health”

  • New publication: Shuang Chang, Clara Murff, Theodore Leng, Sylvia L. Groth, and Audrey K. Bowden, “Depth-resolved extraction of optical attenuation for glaucoma assessment in clinical settings: a pilot study,” Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 4326-4337 (2022)
  • New publication: Iftak Hussain, Andrea Locke, Emily Kight, Joseph D. Malone, Frederick Haselton, Audrey K. Bowden, “A multi-channel smartphone-based spectroscopic system for high-throughput biosensing in low-resource settings,” Analyst, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2AN00597B.
  • Grace Chang and Rachel Eimen presented their research at the 2022 Engineering and Urology Society and American Urological Association conference in New Orleans, LA!

    Grace presenting her research “Automatic frame classification and enhancement for CYSVIEW cystoscopy video”

    Rachel presenting her research “A metric to predict the utility of cystoscopy frames in 3D bladder reconstructions”

  • New publication: Shuang Chang, Jessica Handwerker, Giovanna A. Giannico, Sam S. Chang, Audrey K. Bowden, “Birefringent tissue-mimicking phantom for polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt. 27(7), 074711 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.7.074711.
  • Grace Chang, Iftak Hussain, Anupam Kumar and Joe Malone presented their research at 2022 SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco, CA!

Grace presenting her research “Detection of early-stage glaucoma with a depth-resolved optical attenuation coefficient”

Anupam presenting his research “Low-cost, ergonomic and ultraportable prefrontal cortex fNIRS system with augmented reality-guided positioning for naturalistic conditions”

Joe presenting his research “SmartOCT: Design and characterization of a smartphone-integrated line-field optical coherence tomography system”

Benham, Grace, Joe, Rachel, Dr. Bowden and Anupam at a lab dinner in San Francisco

Not pictured:

Grace’s presentation “Optical attenuation as an effective biomarker for the early detection of bladder cancer”

Iftak’s presentations “Real-time display and data processing in a smartphone integrated line-field optical coherence tomography system” and “Smartphone-based multichannel spectroscopic system for optical biosensing”

  • Rachel Eimen presented her research at the 10th annual Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE) Symposium.

Rachel with her poster board presentation, Dec 2021

  • Jessica Handwerker presented her summer research at the poster presentation event for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURGE) program through Vanderbilt University Science and Engineering (VUSE).

Jessica with her poster board presentation, Sep 2021

Iftak and Emily with their customizable device, Jan 2021

Dipstick urinalysis provides quick and affordable estimations of multiple physiological conditions but requires good technique and training to use accurately. By automating the key steps in the dipstick urinalysis test, potential sources of error can be eliminated, allowing self-testing at home. We describe the steps necessary to create a customizable device to perform automated urinalysis testing in any environment. The device is cheap to manufacture and simple to assemble. We describe the key steps involved in customizing it for the dipstick of choice and for customizing a mobile phone app to analyze the results. We demonstrate its use to perform urinalysis and discuss the critical measurements and fabrication steps necessary to ensure robust operation. We then compare the proposed method to the dip-and-wipe method, the gold standard technique for dipstick urinalysis.

  • Anupam Kumar and Grace Chang presented on their research: “A lightweight, portable, and low-cost near infrared spectroscopy headband for in-field neuro-monitoring” and “Estimation of spectroscopic attenuation coefficient in retinal nerve fiber layer for detection of glaucoma” at 2020 SPIE Photonics West!                                      Grace and Anupam at Photonics West, Feb 2020
  • Dr. Bowden gave a talk at Neurotechnologies Plenary Session at 2020 SPIE Photonics West! She was featured in SPIE News on Feb 03, 2020.                                              Dr. Bowden at Photonics West, Feb 2020
  • Our summer student, Anisha Oommen, presented her work at the BMES conference. Her poster is titled “Evaluating Sparsifying Operators in Compressive Sensing with Optical Coherence Tomography”. Congratulations Anisha!

Anisha Oommen (left) at BMES, Oct 2019