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Postdoctoral Fellows

Zwiebel Lab Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Upasana Singh, 2023-

PhD., University of Manchester (2022)

Project: Ionotropic Receptor Mediated Olfaction in Anopheline Mosquitoes


Postdoc Alumni

Dr. Stephen Ferguson, 2022-2023

PhD., Vanderbilt University

Project: Olfactory Driven Behavior in Eusocial Ants

Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Guangming Science City, (Guangdong) China


Dr. Alex (Feng) Liu, 2018-2021

PhD, Auburn University (2016)

Project: Genome Targeting and Olfactory Physiology in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Junior Principal Investigator, Institute of Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Guangming Science City, (Guangdong) China


Dr. Ann Carr, 2018-2021

PhD, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Project: Plasmodium related Transcriptome Changes in Anopheles gambiae


Dr. HuaHua Sun, 2019-2020

PhD, Nanjing Agricultural University, China (2018)

Project: Larval and Adult Sensory Physiology in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Investigator, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.


Dr. Mohamed Saveer Ahmed, 2013-2017

PhD, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2013)

Project: Genome Editing & Sensory Physiology in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Research Scientist, USDA Beltsville, MD


Dr. Jesse Slone, 2012-2017

PhD, Duke University (2009)

Project: Chemosensory Receptors in Ants

Currently: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics,  SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.


Dr. Xiaofan Zhou, 2011-2016

PhD, Penn. State University (2011)

Project: BioInformatics of Chemosensory Signaling

Currently: Professor, Integrative Microbiology Research Center, South China Agricultural University, China.


Dr. R, Jason Pitts , 2011-2017

(as Research Assistant Professor from 2012)

PhD, Vanderbilt University (2011)

Project: Odorant Receptors and other Olfactory Genes in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Baylor University, Waco, TX.


Dr. Eunho Suh, 2011-2015

PhD, University of Kentucky, (2011)

Project: Oviposition Receptors in Anopheles gambiae (NIAID RO1 AI056402)

Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Penn. State University


Dr. Ian Romaine, 2011-2015

PhD, Vanderbilt University (2011)

Project: Chemical Synthesis for Modification of Anopheline Odorant Receptor Activity.

Currently: Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Chemical Biology, Vanderbilt University.


Dr. Robert Taylor, 2011-2013

PhD , Vanderbilt University, (2011)

Project: Chemical Modification of Anopheline Odorant Receptor Activity

Currently: Research Scientist, M3 Biotechnology, Seattle WA.


Dr. Guirong Wang, 2005-2010

PhD, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing PRC (2002)

Project: Functional Studies of Mosquito Odorant Receptors

Currently: Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing China


Dr. Pingxi Xu,   2006-2010

PhD, Fourth Military Medical University PRC. (1999)

Project: Odorant Receptors and the Carbon Dioxide Response in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Project Scientist, Department of Entomology, University California, Davis.


Dr. Hyung-Wook Kwon,  2005-2009

PhD, University of Arizona (2004)

Project: Neurobiology of the Proboscis in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, South Korea.


Dr. Jonathan Bohbot, 2004-2008

PhD, University of South Carolina (2004)

Project: Molecular Characterization of Odorant Receptors in Aedes aegypti

Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Hebrew University, Israel



Dr. Michael Rutzler, 2002-2007

PhD, Salzburg University, Austria (2000)

Project: Molecular Genetics of Olfaction in Anopheles gambiae

Currently: CEO, ApoGlyx AB, Lund, Sweden.



Dr. Ana Claudia do Amaral Melo, 2001-2003

PhD, University of Para, Brazil (2000)

Project: Identification of Odorant Receptors in Arbovirus Vector, Aedes aegypti.

Currently: Associate Professor, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Federal University of Brazil, Rio State