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Advances and prospects for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP)


Jain SSanjay , Pei LLiming , Spraggins JMJeffrey M , Angelo MMichael , Carson JPJames P , Gehlenborg NNils , Ginty FFiona , Gonçalves JPJoana P , Hagood JSJames S , Hickey JWJohn W , Kelleher NLNeil L , Laurent LCLouise C , Lin SShin , Lin YYiing , Liu HHuiping , Naba AAlexandra , Nakayasu ESErnesto S , Qian WJWei-Jun , Radtke AAndrea , Robson PPaul , Stockwell BRBrent R , Van de Plas RRaf , Vlachos ISIoannis S , Zhou MMowei , , Börner KKaty , Snyder MPMichael P . Nature cell biology. 2023 7 19; 25(8). 1089-1100


The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) aims to create a multi-scale spatial atlas of the healthy human body at single-cell resolution by applying advanced technologies and disseminating resources to the community. As the HuBMAP moves past its first phase, creating ontologies, protocols and pipelines, this Perspective introduces the production phase: the generation of reference spatial maps of functional tissue units across many organs from diverse populations and the creation of mapping tools and infrastructure to advance biomedical research.