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Kevin L. Schey

Stevenson Chair in Biochemistry, Professor of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Director of Core Facilities, Mass Spectrometry Research Center

Kevin earned his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1989 and has 34 years of professional experience in mass spectrometry and analytical chemistry, including all aspects of proteomics analysis and mass spectrometry imaging. His application area of interest is the eye, particularly lens and retina biochemistry. He directs the Core Facility operations of the MSRC and served as the President of the Imaging Mass Spectrometry Society.

Research Staff

Zhen Wang

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry

Zhen received her BS in ecology and MS in marine biology from Ocean University of China and PhD in chemistry from Northern Illinois University. She then spent two years as a postdoc fellow working in Schey lab. Currently she is a research assistant professor and her current work focuses on studying spatial proteomics and spatial protein-protein interaction of lens fiber cells using quantitative mass spectrometry, chemical crosslinking and MALDI imaging.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Ankita Kotnala

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry

Ankita received her Ph.D. in Pharmacology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India in 2017. Her graduate work focused on LC-MS/MS analysis of small molecules, specifically  bisretinoids identification relevant to Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). She joined the Schey Lab in June 2018 in collaboration with Dr. Christine A. Curcio, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL and her research focuses on Lipid distribution studies of human retina using LC-MS/MS.

Graduate Students

Carla O'Neale

Graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry

Minh (Amy) Tran

Graduate Student, Chemical and Physical Biology Program (CPB)

Sarah Zelle

Graduate Student, Chemical and Physical Biology Program (CPB