Molecular Composition of Retina in Aging & Disease
The retina is a complex and amazing tissue with an exquisite cellular architecture designed to transduce photons of light into electrical signals sent to the brain to provide our sense of sight. The cellular and molecular composition of the retina is still not completely characterized. Moreover, changes in cellular and molecular composition with age and in disease need to be elucidated to better treat retinal diseases.
The Schey lab has collaborated with researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina and the University of Alabama at Birmingham to define the molecular composition of retina layers and of retina deposits. Using imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), lipidomics, and fluorescence imaging, molecular features unique to each retina layer have been identified. In addition, molecular differences in macular and peripheral retina regions have been defined.
Our published imaging mass spectrometry results on the bisretinoid metabolite, A2E, led to the following quotation published in a letter to Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science:

Related References
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Kotnala A, Anderson DMG, Patterson NH, Cantrell LS, Messinger JD, Curcio CA, Schey KL. Tissue fixation effects on human retinal lipid analysis by MALDI imaging and LC-MS/MS technologies. J Mass Spectrom., 56:e4798, 2021.
Grey AC and Schey KL. MALDI-MSI for Eye Diseases, in: MALDI MS Imaging: From Fundamentals to Spatial Omics, Porta T (Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021.
Anderson DMG, Messinger JD, Patterson NH, Rivera ES, Kotnala A, Spraggins JM, Caprioli RM, Curcio CA, Schey KL. Lipid landscape of the human retina and supporting tissues revealed by high-resolution imaging mass spectrometry. J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 31:2426-2436, 2020.
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Ablonczy Z, Smith N, Anderson DM, Grey AC, Spraggins J, Koutalos Y, Schey KL, Crouch RK. The utilization of fluorescence to identify the components of lipofuscin by imaging mass spectrometry. Proteomics 14:936-944, 2014.
Ablonczy Z, Higbee D, Grey AC, Koutalos Y, Schey KL, Crouch RK. Similar molecules spatially correlate with lipofuscin and A2E in the mouse but not in the human RPE. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 539:196-202, 2013.
Ablonczy Z, Higbee D, Anderson DM, Dahrouj M, Grey AC, Koutalos Y, Schey KL, Gutierrez D, Hanneken A, Crouch RK. Lack of Correlation between the Spatial Distribution of A2E and Lipofuscin Fluorescence in the Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci, 54:5535-542, 2013.
Ablonczy Z, Gutierrez DB, Grey AC, Schey KL, Crouch RK. Molecule-specific imaging and quantitation of A2E in the RPE. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 723:75-71, 2012.
Grey AC, Crouch RK, Koutalos Y, Schey KL, and Ablonczy Z. Spatial Localization of A2E in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 52:3926-3933, 2011.
Gutierrez DB, Blakeley L, Goletz PW, Schey KL, Hanneken A, Koutalos Y, Crouch RK, Ablonczy Z. Mass Spectrometry Provides Accurate and Sensitive Quantitation of A2E. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 9:1513-1519, 2010.