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We greatly thank the people and foundations who finacially support our research and make it possible


Research Funding

Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscal Science and Engineering (VINSE)

NSF Career: Sus Chem CHE-1253105

Vanderbilt Discovery Grant

US-Isreal Binational Foundation and the Bergman Memorial Research Award


Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscal Science and Engineering (VINSE)


Student Funding

Mabel and Arnold Beckman Foundation, Beckman Scholar Program

Mitchum E. Warren Fellowship

Waite Philip Fishel Endowment Fund


Group Resources

Vanderbilt Graduate Student Travel Grant Application

Must be submitted to the Dean two weeks before travel!

TEM booking

SEM booking (CORES)

Small Molecule NMR Facility

Hazardous Materials List

Department Chemical Hygiene

Dr. Macdonald’s Writing Tips

Whitesides’ Tips on Writing a Paper