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Macara Lab Publications

2024 (published online ahead of print)

de Caestecker Christian , Macara Ian , A size filter at the Golgi regulates apical membrane protein sorting Nature Cell Biology. 2024 (published online ahead of print) ;


Pfannenstein Alex , Macara G. , A Junction-Dependent Mechanism Drives Murine Mammary Cell Intercalation for Ductal Elongation Developmental Cell. 2023 Apr ; PMID: 37141887 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.04.009


Fort Loic , Gama Vivian , Macara Ian G. , Stem cell conversion to the cardiac lineage requires nucleotide signalling from apoptosing cells Nature Cell Biology. 2022 Apr ; 24 434-447


Van Bergen J , Ahmed Mukhtar , et al. , Mutations in the exocyst component EXOC2 cause severe defects in human brain development Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2020 ; 217 (10). e20192040


Ahmed Mukhtar , Nishida-Fukuda Hisayo , Li Yuchong , McDonald Hayes , Gradinaru Claudiu C. , Macara Ian G. , , Exocyst dynamics during vesicle tethering and fusion Nature Communications. 2018 ; 9 5140
Andrews AM , McCartney HJ , Errington TM , D'Andrea AD , Macara IG , A senataxin-associated exonuclease SAN1 is required for resistance to DNA interstrand cross-links Nature communications. 2018 Jul 03; 9 (1). 2592


Seldin L , Le Guelte A , Macara IG , Epithelial plasticity in the mammary gland. Current opinion in cell biology. 2017 Dec ; 49 59-63
Ahmed M , Macara G , The Par3 Polarity Protein Is An Exocyst Receptor Essential for Mammary Cell Survival Nature Communications. 2017 Mar 30; (14867).


Ahmed SM , Macara IG , Mechanisms of polarity protein expression control. Current opinion in cell biology. 2016 Oct ; 42 38-45
Huo Y , Su T , Cai Q , Macara IG , An In Vivo Gain-of-Function Screen Identifies the Williams-Beuren Syndrome Gene GTF2IRD1 as a Mamma… Cell reports. 2016 Jun 7; 15 (10). 2089-96


Iioka H , Macara IG , Detection of RNA-Protein Interactions Using Tethered RNA Affinity Capture. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2015 ; 1316 67-73


Macara IG , Guyer R , Richardson G , Huo Y , Ahmed SM , Epithelial homeostasis. Current biology : CB. 2014 Sep 8; 24 (17). R815-25
Baschieri F , Confalonieri S , Bertalot G , Di Fiore PP , Dietmaier W , Leist M , Crespo P , Macara IG , Farhan H , Spatial control of Cdc42 signalling by a GM130-RasGRF complex regulates polarity and tumorigenesis. Nature communications. 2014 ; 5 4839
Rodriguez-Boulan E , Macara IG , Organization and execution of the epithelial polarity programme. Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology. 2014 Apr ; 15 (4). 225-42


Yasuda K , Zhang H , Loiselle D , Haystead T , Macara IG , Mili S , The RNA-binding protein Fus directs translation of localized mRNAs in APC-RNP granules. The Journal of cell biology. 2013 Dec 9; 203 (5). 737-46


McCaffrey LM , Montalbano J , Mihai C , Macara IG , Loss of the Par3 polarity protein promotes breast tumorigenesis and metastasis. Cancer Cell. 2012 Nov 13; 22 (5). 601-14


Pasic L , Eisinger-Mathason TS , Velayudhan BT , Moskaluk CA , Brenin DR , Macara IG , Lannigan DA , Sustained activation of the HER1-ERK1/2-RSK signaling pathway controls myoepithelial cell fate in hu… Genes & development. 2011 Aug 1; 25 (15). 1641-53


Qin Y , Meisen WH , Hao Y , Macara IG , Tuba, a Cdc42 GEF, is required for polarized spindle orientation during epithelial cyst formation. The Journal of cell biology. 2010 May 17; 189 (4). 661-9
Tooley CE , Petkowski JJ , Muratore-Schroeder TL , Balsbaugh JL , Shabanowitz J , Sabat M , Minor W , Hunt DF , Macara IG , NRMT is an alpha-N-methyltransferase that methylates RCC1 and retinoblastoma protein. Nature. 2010 Aug 26; 466 (7310). 1125-8
Hao Y , Du Q , Chen X , Zheng Z , Balsbaugh JL , Maitra S , Shabanowitz J , Hunt DF , Macara IG , Par3 controls epithelial spindle orientation by aPKC-mediated phosphorylation of apical Pins. Current biology : CB. 2010 Oct 26; 20 (20). 1809-18


McCaffrey LM , Macara IG , The Par3/aPKC interaction is essential for end bud remodeling and progenitor differentiation during … Genes & development. 2009 Jun 15; 23 (12). 1450-60


Zhang H , Macara IG , The PAR-6 polarity protein regulates dendritic spine morphogenesis through p190 RhoGAP and the Rho G… Developmental cell. 2008 Feb ; 14 (2). 216-26
Mili S , Moissoglu K , Macara IG , Genome-wide screen reveals APC-associated RNAs enriched in cell protrusions. Nature. 2008 May 1; 453 (7191). 115-9
Macara IG , Mili S , Polarity and differential inheritance–universal attributes of life? Cell. 2008 Nov 28; 135 (5). 801-12


Chen T , Muratore TL , Schaner-Tooley CE , Shabanowitz J , Hunt DF , Macara IG , N-terminal alpha-methylation of RCC1 is necessary for stable chromatin association and normal mitosi… Nature cell biology. 2007 May ; 9 (5). 596-603
Sirajuddin M , Farkasovsky M , Hauer F , Kühlmann D , Macara IG , Weyand M , Stark H , Wittinghofer A , Structural insight into filament formation by mammalian septins. Nature. 2007 Sep 20; 449 (7160). 311-5
Kremer BE , Adang LA , Macara IG , Septins regulate actin organization and cell-cycle arrest through nuclear accumulation of NCK mediat… Cell. 2007 Sep 7; 130 (5). 837-50