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Branding Guidelines

Vanderbilt faculty, staff, and partner organizations are invited to use the LIVE logo to highlight LIVE-related work or recognize LIVE’s contributions to projects, events, publications, and other initiatives.

To maintain consistent branding and uphold the visual integrity of the LIVE logo, please adhere to the following guidelines when promoting LIVE-related work:

Logo Versions and PowerPoint Template

  • Use Logo Version 1 or Logo Version 2 for most applications.

  • Use Logo Version 3, which includes “Vanderbilt University”, when presenting at conferences or in materials shared outside the Vanderbilt community.

  • This PowerPoint Template can be used for presentations containing LIVE funded or related work.

Quality Standards

  • Avoid using screenshots or low-resolution versions of the logo.

  • For online use, please hyperlink the logo image to the LIVE webpage:

Acknowledgment in Publications

  • When mentioning LIVE in publications, always refer to the full title: “Vanderbilt University LIVE Learning Innovation Incubator.”

If you have any questions or need assistance with logo usage, please contact We are happy to provide guidance to ensure your materials align with LIVE’s branding standards.