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Our Lab

The Laboratory for Systems Integrity and Reliability (LASIR) is a proving ground for creating and scaling up technologies in high-impact applications in the energy, security, and manufacturing sectors. Our goal is to build systems we can trust by creating intelligent infrastructure of the future that is more safe, reliable, and sustainable.

LASIR researchers from across the School of Engineering and university collaborate to perform and understand one-of-a-kind experiments on full-scale test beds. For example, we are developing data analysis techniques to reveal how sensors such as EEG, skin conductance, and eye-tracking systems unlock the neuro-physiological factors that influence human decision making in order to anticipate and prevent human error in the operation of aircraft and other systems of this type.


The team studying ways to help nuclear power plant operators improve work performance and safety includes, from left, Julie Adams, Ph.D., Shilo Anders, Ph.D., Sankaran Mahadevan, Ph.D., and Matthew Weinger, M.D. Not pictured is Dan France, Ph.D., MPH. (photo by Anne Rayner)

Vanderbilt team examines human factors in nuclear power plant operations