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Display of the human mucinome with defined O-glycans by gene engineered cells


Nason Rebecca , Büll Christian , Konstantinidi Andriana , Sun Lingbo , Ye Zilu , Halim Adnan , Du Wenjuan , Sørensen Daniel M. , Durbesson Fabien , Furukawa Sanae , Mandel Ulla , Joshi Hiren J. , Dworkin Leo Alexander , Hansen Lars , David Leonor , Iverson T. M. , Bensing Barbara A. , Sullam Paul M. , Varki Ajit , Vries Erik de , Haan Cornelis A. M. de , Vincentelli Renaud , Henrissat Bernard , Vakhrushev Sergey Y. , Clausen Henrik , Narimatsu Yoshiki . Nature Communications. 2021 7 1; ().