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Ali I. Kaya, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology



Kaya AI, Lokits AD, Gilbert JA, Iverson TM, Meiler J, and Hamm HE. A conserved hydrophobic core in Gαi1 regulates G protein activation and release from activated receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 2016, 291 (37): 19674-86.

Kaya AI, Iverson TM and Hamm HE. Functional stability of rhodopsin in a bicelle system: evaluating G protein activation by rhodopsin in bicelles. Methods Mol Biol. 2015, 1271:67-76.

Kaya AI, Lokits AD, Gilbert JA, Iverson TM, Meiler J, Hamm HE. A Conserved Phenylalanine as a Relay between the α5 Helix and the GDP Binding Region of Heterotrimeric Gi Protein α Subunit. J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 289(35): 24475-24487.

Alexander NS, Preininger AM, Kaya AI, Stein RA, Hamm HE, Meiler J. Energetic analysis of the R*-G complex links the α5 helix to GDP release and domain opening. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2014, 21(1): 56-63.

Hamm HE, Kaya AI, Gilbert JA 3rd, Preininger AM. Linking receptor activation to changes in Sw I and II of Gα proteins. J. Struct. Biol. 2013,  184(11): 63-74.

Preininger AM*, Kaya AI*, Gilbert JA 3rd, Busenlehner LS, Armstrong RN, Hamm HE. Myristoylation exerts direct and allosteric effects on Gα conformation and dynamics in solution. Biochemistry. 2012, 51(9): 1911-24. *Contributed equally.

Kaya AI, Onaran HO, Ozcan G, Ambrosio C, Costa T, Balh S, Ugur O. Cell Contact-Dependent Functional Selectivity of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Ligands in Stimulating cAMP Accumulation and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Phosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 2012, 287: 6362-74.

Thaker TM, Kaya AI, Preininger AM, Hamm HE, Iverson TM. Allosteric mechanisms of G protein-Coupled Receptor signaling: a structural perspective. Methods Mol. Biol. 2012,796:133-74.

Kaya AI, Ugur O, Altuntas O, Sayar K, Onaran HO. Long and short distance movements of β(2)-adrenoceptor in cell membrane assessed by photoconvertible fluorescent protein dendra2-β(2)-adrenoceptor fusion. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 2011, 1813(8):1511-24.

Van Eps N, Preininger AM, Alexander N, Kaya AI, Meier S, Meiler J, Hamm HE, Hubbell WL.  Interaction of a G protein with an activated receptor opens the interdomain interface in the alpha subunit. PNAS. 2011, 108(23);9420-9424.

Kaya AI, Thaker TM, Preininger AM, Iverson TM, Hamm HE. Coupling Efficiency of Rhodopsin and Transducin in Bicelles. Biochemistry. 2011,  15(50); 3193-3203.

Oner SS, Kaya AI, Onaran HO, Ozcan G, Ugur O. β2-Adrenoceptor, Gs and adenylate cyclase coupling in purified detergent-resistant, low-density membrane fractions. Eur J Pharmacol. 2010, 630: 42-52.

Kaya AI, Ugur O, Oner SS, Bastepe M, Onaran HO. Coupling of β2-adrenoceptors to XLas and Gαs: A new insight into ligand-induced G protein activation. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2009, 329: 350-359.

Elcioglu NH, Akin B, Toker E, Elcioglu M, Kaya AI, Tuncali T, Wollnik B, Hornby S, Akarsu NA. Colobomatous macrophthalmia with microcornea syndrome maps to the 2p23-p16 region. Am. J. Hum. Gen. 2007, 143(12); 1308-1312.