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Email Tina Iverson:

Lab Phone: (615) 322-8721

Office Phone: (615) 322-7817

Lab Location: 460 Robinson Research Building

Office Location: 460A Robinson Research Building

Mailing Address:
460 Robinson Research Building
2200 Pierce Avenue
Nashville TN, 37232-6600



Prospective Graduate Students

Those interested in joining the Iverson Lab as a graduate student should apply to either the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IGP) or the Chemical & Physical Biology program (CPB.)  We do not accept direct applications for graduate student positions.  Click here to view our most recent lab flyer.

Students that have been accepted to either program and are interested in doing a rotation in the Iverson Lab should check out the projects available here and then email to set up an interview.

Prospective Postdoctoral Fellows

Candidates with experience in membrane protein biochemistry or crystallography are encouraged to apply. Postdoctoral researchers in the lab are expected to pursue a challenging, high-impact project and be the main intellectual driving force behind their experiments. They will further be expected to help train other members of the laboratory, and to apply for independent funding.

Interested applicants should send a brief letter describing their graduate work, the projects that they are interested in pursuing in the laboratory, a cv containing publications and manuscripts in press, and three letters of recommendations by email to: