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Visit Gould Lab posters at ASCB2017

Jun. 6, 2018—The Gould Lab is busy putting finishing touches on posters to present at ASCB.  We hope that you'll stop by our posters or otherwise find us to discuss about our latest results! Our official presentation times are:   

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Hannah presents her work at the VSSA Annual Symposium

Jun. 6, 2018—This summer, undergraduate student HannahSofia Brown worked under the mentorship of graduate students Alaina Willet and Chloe Snider.  She also participated in programming for the Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy (VSSA;  Hannah spent the summer investigating the contribution of phospholipids to cytokinesis.  She presented her poster entitled "Opy1 is associated with the phosphoinositide-4-kinase Stt4 complex important or...

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Adventures at GRC, Cytoskeleton Meeting

Jun. 6, 2018—Chloe, Alaina, and Kathy had a great experience at the Gordon Research Conference on Plant and Microbial Cytoskeletons.  When not occupied hearing cutting-edge science and getting to know other labs, they found some time to enjoy beautiful Andover, NH!     

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Gould Lab heads to ASCB 2016

Jun. 6, 2018—Members of the Gould Lab will be presenting at the 2016 ASCB Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.  Chloe will present during the mini-symposium "Cell Division: Chromosome and Cytoskeletal Dynamics" (Wed, Dec. 7 at 8:30am, Room 104).  Also, stop by our posters to hear more about our research.   We look forward to seeing you there!  Presenter Date Time...

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Rodrigo heads to AQLM at Woods Hole

Jun. 6, 2018—Rodrigo starts today the course "Analytical Quantitative Light Microscopy" at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. Rodrigo is 1 of 32 students taking this 10-day intensive course during which he'll build a microscope, learn image processing techniques, and discuss new advances in light microscopy such as FRET, FLIM, TIRF, and patterned illumination among many...

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