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Hannah is awarded a VUSRP Fellowship

Jun. 6, 2018—Congratulations to Hannah, who was selected to be a fellow for the 2017 Vanderbilt University Summer Research Program (VUSRP). VUSRP fellows receive a stipend to support 10 weeks of full-time research during the summer break. We are excited to have Hannah working full time in lab this summer!  For more information about VUSRP, visit 

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Happy graduation to our undergraduate students, Ellen Risemberg and Sylvia Jang!

Jun. 6, 2018—Congratulations to two of our stellar undergraduate students, Ellen Risemberg and Sylvia Jang, Vanderbilt University Class of 2016.  While in the lab, Ellen and Sylvia worked with Dr. Janel Beckley to identify novel genetic interactions between division site-localized proteins.  We will miss these two hardworking and cheerful ladies very much as they move on to their...

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Nathan’s review on F-BAR proteins is published online at Cell Cycle

Jun. 6, 2018—Nathan's invited F-BAR review is published online (ahead of print) at Cell Cycle.  Click to read! 

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Welcome Sierra Cullati, our new postdoc!

Jun. 6, 2018—The Gould Lab welcomes Dr. Sierra Cullati, who joins us after receiving her Ph.D. from Dartmouth University.  We are excited to have Sierra in the lab, and we asked her a few questions to get to know her…    What are you most looking forward to doing/learning during your postdoc?  Is there anything that you...

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Welcome Hannah and Alison, two undergraduate summer research students!

Jun. 6, 2018—We are excited to welcome two Vanderbilt undergraduate students to the lab for the summer–HannahSofia Brown and Alison Zhong!   …… Tell us about yourself—where did you grow up? What are you studying at Vanderbilt?   Hannah: I am from Minneapolis, MN and am majoring in Neuroscience and triple minoring in Jewish Studies, Medicine, Health and Society, and...

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