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Visit Gould Lab posters at ASCB2017

Jun. 6, 2018—The Gould Lab is busy putting finishing touches on posters to present at ASCB.  We hope that you'll stop by our posters or otherwise find us to discuss about our latest results! Our official presentation times are:   

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JCB highlights our 2017 paper in special collection on cell division

Jun. 6, 2018—Our 2017 paper "Phosphoinositide-mediated ring anchoring resists perpendicular forces to promote medial cytokinesis" was included in a cell division collection curated by JCB Board Member Rebecca Heald (Berkeley).  The special collection includes primary research and reviews on mitosis and meiosis from many labs including papers from fellow Gould lab alumnus Mohan Balasubramanian!  To learn more about the collection and read...

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Meet our newest member: Eric Zhang

Jun. 6, 2018—Eric Zhang is an undergraduate student who will be doing research in our lab under the mentorship of post-doc Sierra Cullati.  Welcome, Eric!  We asked Eric a few questions to get to know him. What are you studying at Vanderbilt?  What are you thinking about doing after college? I’m currently a Biological Sciences and Global...

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Alaina’s paper accepted at MBoC!

Jun. 6, 2018—2018 is off to a great start: MBoC has recently accepted a manuscript by Alaina Willet, a post-doc in the Gould lab!  This paper builds on the work of former graduate student Adam Bohnert, which demonstrated phospho-regulation of the formin Cdc12, which is essential for forming the actin of the contractile ring. Adam also identified Sid2 as one of Cdc12's regulatory...

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Alumni highlights: Adam Bohnert’s paper featured in New York Times

Jun. 6, 2018—Adam Bohnert graduated from the Gould Lab in 2013, after which he joined Cynthia Kenyon's group at UCSF/Calico Life Sciences. He has been studying aging using the model systems of oogenesis in C. elegans and Xenopus. His findings have just been published in Nature. His results were also highlighted in The New York Times. Congratulations, Adam!  To...

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