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New insights into tuft cell formation: Implications for structure-function relationships


O'Leary CEClaire E , Ma ZZhibo , Culpepper TTaylor , Novak SWSammy Weiser , DelGiorno KEKathleen E . Current opinion in cell biology. 2022 4 22; 76(). 102082


Tuft cells are sentinel chemosensory cells that monitor the lumen of hollow organs for noxious or infectious stimuli and respond with disease- and tissue-specific effectors. The discovery of critical tuft cell functions in intestinal type 2 immune responses and airway defense has sparked interest in the formation and function of this architecturally unique cell type. Recent advances in single-cell transcriptomics and computational biology allow for new insights into the genetics and environmental cues underlying tuft cell formation and maturation. Here, we summarize the most recent research on tuft cell development and function in various disease states and organ systems.
