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Colbran Lab Publications


Perfitt TL , Stauffer PE , Spiess KL , Colbran RJ , CaMKIIα phosphorylation of Shank3 modulates ABI1-Shank3 interaction Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2020 Jan 23; 524 (1). 262-267
Shonesy BC , Stephenson JR , Marks CR , Colbran RJ , Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and D1 dopamine receptors regulate diacylglycerol lipase-α and synaptic 2-arachidonoyl glycerol signaling Journal of neurochemistry. 2020 Mar 05; 153 (3). 334-345
Perfitt TL , Wang X , Dickerson MT , Stephenson JR , Nakagawa T , Jacobson DA , Colbran RJ , Neuronal L-Type Calcium Channel Signaling to the Nucleus Requires a Novel CaMKIIα-Shank3 Interaction The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2020 Feb 04; 40 (10). 2000-2014


Carlson GM , Dienel GA , Colbran RJ , Introduction to the Thematic Minireview Series: Brain glycogen metabolism The Journal of biological chemistry. 2018 Mar 07; 293 (19). 7087-7088
Marks CR , Shonesy BC , Wang X , Stephenson JR , Niswender CM , Colbran RJ , Activated CaMKII Binds to the mGlu Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor and Modulates Calcium Mobilization Molecular pharmacology. 2018 Oct 03; 94 (6). 1352-1362


Shonesy BC , Parrish WP , Haddad HK , Stephenson JR , Báldi R , Bluett RJ , Marks CR , Centanni SW , Folkes OM , Spiess K , Augustin SM , Mackie K , Lovinger DM , Winder DG , Patel S , Colbran RJ , Role of Striatal Direct Pathway 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Signaling in Sociability and Repetitive Behav… Biological Psychiatry. 2017 Dec 28;
Bermingham DP , Hardaway JA , Refai O , Marks CR , Snider SL , Sturgeon SM , Spencer WC , Colbran RJ , Miller DM , Blakely RD , The Atypical MAP Kinase SWIP-13/ERK8 Regulates Dopamine Transporters through a Rho-Dependent Mechani… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2017 Sep 20; 37 (38). 9288-9304
Wang X , Marks CR , Perfitt TL , Nakagawa T , Lee A , Jacobson DA , Colbran RJ , A novel mechanism for Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II targeting to L-type Ca(2+) chann… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2017 Oct 20; 292 (42). 17324-17336
Bluett RJ , Báldi R , Haymer A , Gaulden AD , Hartley ND , Parrish WP , Baechle J , Marcus DJ , Mardam-Bey R , Shonesy BC , Uddin MJ , Marnett LJ , Mackie K , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Patel S , Endocannabinoid signalling modulates susceptibility to traumatic stress exposure. Nature communications. 2017 Mar 28; 8 14782
Bichell TJ , Wegrzynowicz M , Grace Tipps K , Bradley EM , Uhouse MA , Bryan M , Horning K , Fisher N , Dudek K , Halbesma T , Umashanker P , Stubbs AD , Holt HK , Kwakye GF , Tidball AM , Colbran RJ , Aschner M , Diana Neely M , Di Pardo A , Maglione V , Osmand A , Bowman AB , Reduced bioavailable manganese causes striatal urea cycle pathology in Huntington’s disease mouse mo… Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2017 Feb 14;
Wang S , Stanika RI , Wang X , Hagen J , Kennedy MB , Obermair GJ , Colbran RJ , Lee A , Densin-180 Controls the Trafficking and Signaling of L-Type Voltage-Gated Cav1.2 Ca(2+) Channels at … The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2017 May 3; 37 (18). 4679-4691
Wills TA , Baucum AJ , Holleran KM , Chen Y , Pasek JG , Delpire E , Tabb DL , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Chronic intermittent alcohol disrupts the GluN2B-associated proteome and specifically regulates grou… Addiction biology. 2017 Mar ; 22 (2). 275-290
Tavalin SJ , Colbran RJ , CaMKII-mediated phosphorylation of GluN2B regulates recombinant NMDA receptor currents in a chloride… Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 2017 Mar ; 79 45-52
Stephenson JR , Wang X , Perfitt TL , Parrish WP , Shonesy BC , Marks CR , Mortlock DP , Nakagawa T , Sutcliffe JS , Colbran RJ , A Novel Human CAMK2A Mutation Disrupts Dendritic Morphology and Synaptic Transmission, and Causes AS… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2017 Feb 22; 37 (8). 2216-2233


Swartzwelder HS , Risher ML , Miller KM , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Wills TA , Changes in the Adult GluN2B Associated Proteome following Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure. PloS one. 2016 ; 11 (5). e0155951


Frederick AL , Yano H , Trifilieff P , Vishwasrao HD , Biezonski D , Mészáros J , Urizar E , Sibley DR , Kellendonk C , Sonntag KC , Graham DL , Colbran RJ , Stanwood GD , Javitch JA , Evidence against dopamine D1/D2 receptor heteromers. Molecular psychiatry. 2015 Nov ; 20 (11). 1373-85
Fosang AJ , Colbran RJ , Transparency Is the Key to Quality. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2015 Dec 11; 290 (50). 29692-4
Colbran RJ , Thematic Minireview Series: Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2015 Nov 27; 290 (48). 28594-5
Patel S , Shonesy BC , Bluett RJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , The Anxiolytic Actions of 2-Arachidonoylglycerol: Converging Evidence from Two Recent Genetic Endoca… Biological psychiatry. 2015 Jul 2;
Baucum AJ , Shonesy BC , Rose KL , Colbran RJ , Quantitative proteomics analysis of CaMKII phosphorylation and the CaMKII interactome in the mouse f… ACS chemical neuroscience. 2015 Apr 15; 6 (4). 615-31
Shonesy BC , Winder DG , Patel S , Colbran RJ , The initiation of synaptic 2-AG mobilization requires both an increased supply of diacylglycerol pre… Neuropharmacology. 2015 Apr ; 91 57-62
Pasek JG , Wang X , Colbran RJ , Differential CaMKII regulation by voltage-gated calcium channels in the striatum. Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 2015 Aug 5; 68 234-243


Dadi PK , Vierra NC , Ustione A , Piston DW , Colbran RJ , Jacobson DA , Inhibition of pancreatic β-cell Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II reduces glucose-stimula… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2014 May 2; 289 (18). 12435-45
Shonesy BC , Bluett RJ , Ramikie TS , Báldi R , Hermanson DJ , Kingsley PJ , Marnett LJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , Patel S , Genetic disruption of 2-arachidonoylglycerol synthesis reveals a key role for endocannabinoid signal… Cell reports. 2014 Dec 11; 9 (5). 1644-53
Shonesy BC , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Cavener VS , Colbran RJ , CaMKII: a molecular substrate for synaptic plasticity and memory. Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 2014 ; 122 61-87


Deutch AY , Hedera P , Colbran RJ , REEPing the benefits of an animal model of hereditary spastic paraplegia. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2013 Oct ; 123 (10). 4134-6
Hermanson DJ , Hartley ND , Gamble-George J , Brown N , Shonesy BC , Kingsley PJ , Colbran RJ , Reese J , Marnett LJ , Patel S , Substrate-selective COX-2 inhibition decreases anxiety via endocannabinoid activation. Nature neuroscience. 2013 Sep ; 16 (9). 1291-8
Baucum AJ , Brown AM , Colbran RJ , Differential association of postsynaptic signaling protein complexes in striatum and hippocampus. Journal of neurochemistry. 2013 Feb ; 124 (4). 490-501
McCoy F , Darbandi R , Chen SI , Eckard L , Dodd K , Jones K , Baucum AJ , Gibbons JA , Lin SH , Colbran RJ , Nutt LK , Metabolic regulation of CaMKII protein and caspases in Xenopus laevis egg extracts. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013 Mar 29; 288 (13). 8838-48
Shonesy BC , Wang X , Rose KL , Ramikie TS , Cavener VS , Rentz T , Baucum AJ , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Mackie K , Winder DG , Patel S , Colbran RJ , CaMKII regulates diacylglycerol lipase-α and striatal endocannabinoid signaling. Nature neuroscience. 2013 Apr ; 16 (4). 456-63
McCoy F , Darbandi R , Lee HC , Bharatham K , Moldoveanu T , Grace CR , Dodd K , Lin W , Chen SI , Tangallapally RP , Kurokawa M , Lee RE , Shelat AA , Chen T , Green DR , Harris RA , Lin SH , Fissore RA , Colbran RJ , Nutt LK , Metabolic activation of CaMKII by coenzyme A. Molecular cell. 2013 Nov 7; 52 (3). 325-39


Klug JR , Mathur BN , Kash TL , Wang HD , Matthews RT , Robison AJ , Anderson ME , Deutch AY , Lovinger DM , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Genetic inhibition of CaMKII in dorsal striatal medium spiny neurons reduces functional excitatory s… PloS one. 2012 ; 7 (9). e45323
Jalan-Sakrikar N , Bartlett RK , Baucum AJ , Colbran RJ , Substrate-selective and calcium-independent activation of CaMKII by α-actinin. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2012 May 4; 287 (19). 15275-83
Wills TA , Klug JR , Silberman Y , Baucum AJ , Weitlauf C , Colbran RJ , Delpire E , Winder DG , GluN2B subunit deletion reveals key role in acute and chronic ethanol sensitivity of glutamate synap… Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Jan 31; 109 (5). E278-87


Jiao Y , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Robison AJ , Baucum AJ , Bass MA , Colbran RJ , Characterization of a central Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIalpha/beta binding domain i… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011 Jul 15; 286 (28). 24806-18
Hoffman L , Stein RA , Colbran RJ , Mchaourab HS , Conformational changes underlying calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activation. The EMBO journal. 2011 Apr 6; 30 (7). 1251-62
Gustin RM , Shonesy BC , Robinson SL , Rentz TJ , Baucum AJ , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Winder DG , Stanwood GD , Colbran RJ , Loss of Thr286 phosphorylation disrupts synaptic CaMKIIα targeting, NMDAR activity and behavior in … Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 2011 Aug ; 47 (4). 286-92


Bowton E , Saunders C , Erreger K , Sakrikar D , Matthies HJ , Sen N , Jessen T , Colbran RJ , Caron MG , Javitch JA , Blakely RD , Galli A , Dysregulation of dopamine transporters via dopamine D2 autoreceptors triggers anomalous dopamine eff… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010 Apr 28; 30 (17). 6048-57
Gustin RM , Bichell TJ , Bubser M , Daily J , Filonova I , Mrelashvili D , Deutch AY , Colbran RJ , Weeber EJ , Haas KF , Tissue-specific variation of Ube3a protein expression in rodents and in a mouse model of Angelman sy… Neurobiology of disease. 2010 Sep ; 39 (3). 283-91
Brigman JL , Wright T , Talani G , Prasad-Mulcare S , Jinde S , Seabold GK , Mathur P , Davis MI , Bock R , Gustin RM , Colbran RJ , Alvarez VA , Nakazawa K , Delpire E , Lovinger DM , Holmes A , Loss of GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors in CA1 hippocampus and cortex impairs long-term depression,… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010 Mar 31; 30 (13). 4590-600
Nikandrova YA , Jiao Y , Baucum AJ , Tavalin SJ , Colbran RJ , Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II binds to and phosphorylates a specific SAP97 splice vari… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010 Jan 8; 285 (2). 923-34
Abiria SA , Colbran RJ , CaMKII associates with CaV1.2 L-type calcium channels via selected beta subunits to enhance regulato… Journal of neurochemistry. 2010 Jan ; 112 (1). 150-61
Jenkins MA , Christel CJ , Jiao Y , Abiria S , Kim KY , Usachev YM , Obermair GJ , Colbran RJ , Lee A , Ca2+-dependent facilitation of Cav1.3 Ca2+ channels by densin and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein … The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010 Apr 14; 30 (15). 5125-35
Koval OM , Guan X , Wu Y , Joiner ML , Gao Z , Chen B , Grumbach IM , Luczak ED , Colbran RJ , Song LS , Hund TJ , Mohler PJ , Anderson ME , CaV1.2 beta-subunit coordinates CaMKII-triggered cardiomyocyte death and afterdepolarizations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010 Mar 16; 107 (11). 4996-5000
Baucum AJ , Jalan-Sakrikar N , Jiao Y , Gustin RM , Carmody LC , Tabb DL , Ham AJ , Colbran RJ , Identification and validation of novel spinophilin-associated proteins in rodent striatum using an e… Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 2010 Jun ; 9 (6). 1243-59


Neely MD , Robert EM , Baucum AJ , Colbran RJ , Muly EC , Deutch AY , Localization of myocyte enhancer factor 2 in the rodent forebrain: regionally-specific cytoplasmic e… Brain research. 2009 Jun 5; 1274 55-65
Kash TL , Baucum AJ , Conrad KL , Colbran RJ , Winder DG , Alcohol exposure alters NMDAR function in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009 Oct ; 34 (11). 2420-9


Binda F , Dipace C , Bowton E , Robertson SD , Lute BJ , Fog JU , Zhang M , Sen N , Colbran RJ , Gnegy ME , Gether U , Javitch JA , Erreger K , Galli A , Syntaxin 1A interaction with the dopamine transporter promotes amphetamine-induced dopamine efflux. Molecular pharmacology. 2008 Oct ; 74 (4). 1101-8
Carmody LC , Baucum AJ , Bass MA , Colbran RJ , Selective targeting of the gamma1 isoform of protein phosphatase 1 to F-actin in intact cells requir… FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2008 Jun ; 22 (6). 1660-71
Khoo MS , Grueter CE , Eren M , Yang J , Zhang R , Bass MA , Lwin ST , Mendes LA , Vaughan DE , Colbran RJ , Anderson ME , Calmodulin kinase II inhibition disrupts cardiomyopathic effects of enhanced green fluorescent prote… Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology. 2008 Feb ; 44 (2). 405-10
Brown AM , Baucum AJ , Bass MA , Colbran RJ , Association of protein phosphatase 1 gamma 1 with spinophilin suppresses phosphatase activity in a P… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2008 May 23; 283 (21). 14286-94
Jiao Y , Robison AJ , Bass MA , Colbran RJ , Developmentally regulated alternative splicing of densin modulates protein-protein interaction and s… Journal of neurochemistry. 2008 Jun ; 105 (5). 1746-60
Erickson JR , Joiner ML , Guan X , Kutschke W , Yang J , Oddis CV , Bartlett RK , Lowe JS , O'Donnell SE , Aykin-Burns N , Zimmerman MC , Zimmerman K , Ham AJ , Weiss RM , Spitz DR , Shea MA , Colbran RJ , Mohler PJ , Anderson ME , A dynamic pathway for calcium-independent activation of CaMKII by methionine oxidation. Cell. 2008 May 2; 133 (3). 462-74
Grueter CE , Abiria SA , Wu Y , Anderson ME , Colbran RJ , Differential regulated interactions of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with isoforms … Biochemistry. 2008 Feb 12; 47 (6). 1760-7


Deutch AY , Colbran RJ , Winder DJ , Striatal plasticity and medium spiny neuron dendritic remodeling in parkinsonism. Parkinsonism & related disorders. 2007 ; 13 Suppl 3 S251-8
Robison AJ , Winder DG , Colbran RJ , Bartlett RK , Oxidation of calmodulin alters activation and regulation of CaMKII. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2007 Apr 27; 356 (1). 97-101
Grueter CE , Colbran RJ , Anderson ME , CaMKII, an emerging molecular driver for calcium homeostasis, arrhythmias, and cardiac dysfunction. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany). 2007 Jan ; 85 (1). 5-14


Robison AJ , Bartlett RK , Bass MA , Colbran RJ , Differential modulation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activity by regulated interac… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2005 Nov 25; 280 (47). 39316-23
Brown AM , Deutch AY , Colbran RJ , Dopamine depletion alters phosphorylation of striatal proteins in a model of Parkinsonism. The European journal of neuroscience. 2005 Jul ; 22 (1). 247-56
Sessoms-Sikes S , Honse Y , Lovinger DM , Colbran RJ , CaMKIIalpha enhances the desensitization of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors by an autophosphorylation… Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 2005 May ; 29 (1). 139-47


Colbran RJ , Protein phosphatases and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-dependent synaptic plasticit… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2004 Sep 29; 24 (39). 8404-9
Colbran RJ , Brown AM , Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and synaptic plasticity. Current opinion in neurobiology. 2004 Jun ; 14 (3). 318-27
Colbran RJ , Targeting of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. The Biochemical journal. 2004 Feb 15; 378 (Pt 1). 1-16