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Wang J, Lytle M, Weiss Y, Yamasaki BL & Booth JR (2021). A longitudinal dataset on language processing in children ages 5, 7 and 9 years old. OpenNeuro.


Lytle MN & Booth JR (2020). Brain correlates of multisensory lexical processing in adults. OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, McNorgan C & Booth JR (2019). Longitudinal brain correlates of multisensory lexical processing in children. OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, Bitan T & Booth JR (2019). Cross-sectional multidomain lexical processing. OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, Burman DD & Booth JR (2021). Component processes of word reading in adults and children. OpenNeuro.

Learn more about these datasets here!

Arithmetic Processing

Lytle MN, Prado J & Booth JR (2020). Brain correlates of math processing in adults. OpenNeuro.

Suárez-Pellicioni M, Lytle MN, Younger J & Booth JR (2018). Brain correlates of math development. OpenNeuro.

Learn more about this dataset here!

Deductive Reasoning

Lytle MN, Prado J & Booth JR (2020). Brain correlates of deductive reasoning in adults. OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, Prado J & Booth JR (2020). Brain development of deductive reasoning. OpenNeuro.

Executive Functioning

Lytle MN, Hammer R & Booth JR (2020). Working memory and reward in adults. OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, Hammer R & Booth JR (2020). Working memory and reward in children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). OpenNeuro.

Lytle MN, Burman DD & Booth JR (2021). Response inhibition and selective attention in adults and children with and without ADHD. OpenNeuro.