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Prof. Zelik Receives Nashville Emerging Leader Award

Aug. 3, 2018—The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce and YP Nashville present the Nashville Emerging Leader Awards (NELAs) each year to recognize Nashville’s young professionals for significant accomplishments in their chosen career fields, as well as their commitment and contribution to the community. This year Prof. Zelik was the award winner in the category of Architecture, Engineering...

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Vanderbilt Recognized for “Greatest Impact” for its National Biomechanics Day Outreach Event in April

Jun. 21, 2018—This year National Biomechanics Day (NBD) was comprised of more than 150 events, and reached over 11,000 students around the world! It was amazing! Students (mostly high school students) visited local universities and other companies/organizations to learn about and experience demonstrations related to the science of biomechanics. The American Society of Biomechanics Student Committee then...

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Prof. Zelik Named Finalist for Nashville Emerging Leader Award

Jun. 7, 2018—The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce & YP (Young Professionals) Nashville present the Nashville Emerging Leader Awards (NELAs) each year to recognize Nashville’s young professionals for significant accomplishments in their chosen career fields, as well as their commitment and contribution to the community. Prof. Zelik was named one of 5 finalists in the category of Architecture,...

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Prof. Zelik & CREATE Featured in O&P Almanac

May. 18, 2018—The May 2018 edition of the O&P (Orthotics & Prosthetics) Almanac contains a nice feature story about Prof. Zelik and the exciting research going on in CREATE. Thanks to all the mentors, collaborators and students (past and present) who have contributed this work!! Photo by: John Russell/Vanderbilt University

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Congrats to Emily!

May. 18, 2018—Over the last few months, 2nd year PhD student Emily Matijevich: published her first first-author publication in the Journal of Biomechanics submitted a provisional patent application as co-inventor of a new wearable sensor technology for monitoring bone loading in runners & other at-risk groups, in order to help prevent injuries like stress fractures was recognized...

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Feature Story on Josh Fleck, Class of 2018, Leading up to Graduation

May. 9, 2018—Class of 2018 Profile: Josh Fleck, ME major, empowers people with disabilities

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Congrats – New Graduates, Publications & National Biomechanics Day!

May. 5, 2018—First, congrats to Lauren Branscombe, Josh Fleck & Josh Tacca! All seniors in Mechanical Engineering, who have contributed a tremendous amount to our research lab. Each of these individuals is a co-author on a manuscript (either published or in review). Of note, Lauren is completing both her BS & MS degree this year, and Josh Fleck is...

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Awarded Fan Favorite Device in Innovation Challenge at WearRAcon!

Mar. 23, 2018—Congrats to Matt, Erik & Dean, who pitched mechanized clothing (aka smart underwear) and won the Fan Favorite award in the Innovation Challenge at the Wearable Robotics Association Conference (WearRAcon) in Phoenix, AZ.  

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Congrats to Emily & Lauren on Journal of Biomechanics Publication

Mar. 22, 2018—Quite the perplexing finding!!   . Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate Achilles tendon (AT) length changes during a series of tasks that involved combinations of higher/lower force, and larger/smaller length changes of the medial gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit (MTU). We sought to determine if common ultrasound-based estimates of AT length change...

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