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Vanderbilt Recognized for “Greatest Impact” for its National Biomechanics Day Outreach Event in April

Posted by on Thursday, June 21, 2018 in News.

This year National Biomechanics Day (NBD) was comprised of more than 150 events, and reached over 11,000 students around the world! It was amazing! Students (mostly high school students) visited local universities and other companies/organizations to learn about and experience demonstrations related to the science of biomechanics.

The American Society of Biomechanics Student Committee then recognizes a subset of universities/organizations, to incentive creativity and growth of these outreach events.

For the second year in a row, Vanderbilt was one of the award recipients! In 2017 it was the Best Content award. Now in 2018, Vanderbilt University was selected as one of three schools recognized in the Greatest Impact category, highlighting had NBD events that were highly inclusive and reached a large number of people.

Thanks to all the members of CREATE who organized and provided the lab tours/demos, specifically Emily Matijevich who was the lead organizer. And thanks to all the students, teachers, guidance counselors and individuals from the surrounding community who attended!

NBD Shirts 2018