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Student Honors: 1 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship + 2 Honorable Mentions!

Posted by on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 in News.

Congratulations to PhD students in the BAT lab who received honors from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF) ProgramErik Lamers (1st year PhD student in the BAT lab) was 1 of 7 current doctoral students in the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering to receive this competitive NSF fellowship in 2016, which is awarded to only 2000 students from an applicant pool of ~17,000. Eric Honert and Matthew Yandell (both 2nd year PhD students in the BAT lab) received Honorable Mentions from the NSF GRF Program, a high honor which also places their applications amongst the best. We are lucky to have such a talented and amazing group of individuals in the BAT lab. And we are excited for all the great research and engineering forthcoming from these 3 gentlemen and scholars!