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Congrats Dr. Pinette!
Sep. 26, 2024—Congrats to Dr. Julia Pinette on successfully defending her thesis!
Congrats Woo Yong and Jacob
May. 24, 2024—Congratulations to Woo Yong for being awarded the Sejong Science Fellowship and to Jacob for being recognized as the Aida Nureddin Outstanding Junior Researcher.
Congrats Jacob on new awards!
Apr. 9, 2024—Jacob wins a poster award in Translational Health Research at the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Fair and the Levy Fellowship!
Congrats Jacob!
Mar. 21, 2023—How Jacob celebrates obtaining the Littlejohn Fellowship! 😎🥳
Libby’s moving on to U Penn!
May. 31, 2022—Enjoy grad school, Libby! We look forward to all the amazing science to come out of your thesis work!
New review paper
Mar. 2, 2022—Congrats Libby and Abhijit! Weighing in on Adipogenesis https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.821278/full
Julia awarded AHA Predoctoral Fellowship
Dec. 21, 2021—Congratulations to our graduate student Julia, who has been awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for her project investigating the role of branched-chain amino acid catabolism in adipose tissue hypertrophy and obesity!
Happy Diwali!
Nov. 5, 2021—Happy Diwali! Abhijit brought treats to celebrate the festival of lights!
Our new work
Jul. 14, 2021—SIRT4 is an early regulator of branched-chain amino acid catabolism that promotes adipogenesisThank you to all the collaborators!
Abhijit joins the lab!
Apr. 23, 2021—Abhijit Shinde has joined the lab as our first postdoctoral fellow! Abhijit obtained his doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialty in Cellular Metabolism from KU Leuven, Belgium, where he investigated the functional role of peroxisomes in metabolically active tissues like the liver and pancreatic beta cells, with a special focus on mitochondrial metabolism. He...