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Khiry Patterson Presentation at AMS 2023
Aug. 9, 2023—RASR Lab’s Dr. Khiry Patterson presented at the Advancing Mass Spectrometry Conference held at the University of Texas in Austin. Patterson’s talk titled Establishing Quality Control Procedures for Large Cohort LC-MS/MS Proteomics Studies took place during the Beyond Proteomics—Proteoforms session at 9:00AM on July 25th.
RASR Lab Welcomes New Members
Aug. 9, 2023—RASR Lab welcomes Administrative Specialist Amy Williams, ACCESS Program Manager Jennifer Montgomery, and Visiting Research Associate Professor Dr. Henry Adeola.
Bailey Bowser Research Paper Published
Aug. 9, 2023—RASR Lab member Bailey Bowser now has paper titled Evaluating cPILOT Data toward Quality Control Implementation published in Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry as of July 17, 2023. To read the full entry please visit Evaluating cPILOT Data