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Professor Robinson Visits SUNY Binghamton

Jan. 29, 2016—Thanks Professor Omowunmi Sadik for a great visit to the Department of Chemistry in the heart of winter. I especially enjoyed talking with students and learning about analytical development of biosensors for various applications and biodegradable membranes.

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Separations with Professor James Jorgenson

Oct. 20, 2015—The 34th Annual Pittcon Lecture in the Department of Chemistry featured two lectures from Dr. James Jorgenson, the W. R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Robinson and Dr. Jorgenson are both proud Indiana University alums. Thanks Dr. Jorgenson for the impressive seminars on how to...

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Frontiers in Chemistry at Wayne State University

Oct. 20, 2015—Dr. Robinson recently visited Wayne State University in Detroit as an invited speaker in the “Frontiers in Chemistry” series, started by Neil Gordon (Founder of the Gordon Conferences). She gave a seminar titled “Increasing Diversity from an N=1 Perspective” and had the opportunity to meet with several faculty members of the Department of Chemistry including...

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