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Dr. Robinson quoted in article exploring Alzheimer’s in the black community
Oct. 3, 2023—An article published in Prevention discusses the increased risk for black people to develop Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, and the fact that studies show those at this higher risk are often not diagnosed until it has progressed much further. Dr. Robinson was quoted in this article as saying, “We need to understand the biology...
Join the RASR Lab team on the Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Oct. 3, 2023—RASR Lab will join the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on November 4th at Nissan Stadium in Nashville. All are welcome! Use the QR code to join the walk and donate or visit the webpage at AD’
Dr. Robinson Makes The Analytical Scientist Power List 2023
Aug. 22, 2023—Dr. Robinson is included in The Analytical Scientist Power List again this year. The Power List features in The Analytical Scientist’s August issue and is also available online. Nominated by readers of The Analytical Scientist and then selected by an anonymous panel of judges, RASR has been recognized as one of 100 leaders and influencers...