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Kaitlyn Presents Poster at Aging Day

May. 12, 2017—Kaitlyn presented her poster, “Optimization of a Brain Proteomics Workflow to Study Proteins in Lipid Metabolism in Alzheimer’s Disease,” at the research day sponsored by Pitt and UPMC themed “Celebrating Research on Aging and Rehabilitation.” It was an exciting day, especially to hear perspectives on aging from people in the medical field! First poster presentation...

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Congrats 2017 graduates!!

May. 4, 2017—Congratulations to our 2017 graduates! Liqing Gu graduated with his PhD in chemistry and Ann-Elodie Robert and Yaphet Geadion with their Bachelor’s in chemistry from Pitt. Jasmine Daniels, our SURF student from summer 2016, also graduated from Texas Southern University with her Bachelor’s in chemistry. Best wishes for the future–we’re so proud of you all!!!

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Dr. Amin Receives ASMS Postdoc Award!!!

Apr. 20, 2017—We are very proud to announce that Dr. Amin won one of the ASMS 2017 Postdoctoral Career Development Awards!!!! She is one of five winners this year, and one of only two women winners. She is receiving a $10,000 award from ASMS to facilitate her professional career development, including conference/workshop attendance, travel to other mass...

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