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Summer presents end of summer poster!

Aug. 3, 2017—Summer presented her poster, titled “Optimizing Plasma Protein Digestion Methods,” at the end of summer poster session for undergraduates and SURF students today! We’re so glad you came to work with us for the summer, Summer–great job!

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Ryan has a new paper…now available online!

Jul. 20, 2017—Ryan’s paper, “S-Nitrosylation in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Oxidized Cysteine-Selective cPILOT,” has recently become available online! It is published in Neuromethods, in the “Current Proteomic Approaches Applied to Brain Function” section. You can read it at this link: Congrats, Ryan!

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Congrats poster award winners!

Jun. 29, 2017—Several members of the group attended the SSP’s Mass Spectrometry discussion group at Duquesne University on June 22nd. Ryan, Mostafa, Bushra, and Christina all presented their posters at the event, and Christina and Bushra both won poster prizes (Christina 3rd place, Bushra 2nd place)! Congratulations Christina and Bushra!

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