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Bailey Bowser and Nadjali Chung Receive ASMS Funding to attend 68th ASMS Conference

Mar. 25, 2020—Bailey Bowser and Nadjali Chung received funding through a student stipend program sponsored by the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) to support their attendance and research presentations at the 68th ASMS Conference in Houston, TX. Their respective posters are titled Development of a Novel cPILOT Tag to Achieve Higher Order Multiplexing in Proteomic Studies and...

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“Quantitative proteomics to study aging in rabbit liver” Article Published

Mar. 25, 2020—Dr. Busra Amin, Dr. Katarena Ford, and Dr. Renã Robinson’s article “Quantitative proteomics to study aging in rabbit liver” was published in Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. View the full article at:

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Dr. Albert Arul Attends SLAS Conference

Feb. 4, 2020—Dr. Albert Arul, Research Assistant Professor for RASR Laboratory, attended the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) conference in San Diego, California January 26-29, 2020. Dr. Arul’s poster presentation, accompanied by a 20-minute talk, was titled “Automation of sample preparation for an efficient protein quantification workflow for proteomics.” The conference was attended by 5000 individuals...

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