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Dr. Robinson’s in the Research News at Vanderbilt

Oct. 26, 2017—Dr. Robinson was recently interviewed for the Research News at Vanderbilt website as a new faculty member! Read the article here.

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RASR Lab has openings!

Sep. 28, 2017—The RASR Laboratory has openings for several positions! We are looking for graduate and undergraduate students to join the group, as well as postdocs and a research assistant professor. Contact us if you’re interested–we look forward to hearing from you!

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Read Dr. Robinson’s interview with The Analytical Scientist

Sep. 18, 2017—Read Dr. Robinson’s interview with The Analytical Scientist, published in its August 2017 issue! She discusses how she developed her interest in analytical chemistry and how she found her specific niche within analytical chemistry of using mass spectrometry to further our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and aging in general.

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