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RASR Lab Achieves Excellent Safety Score!

Jan. 11, 2018—Today, the RASR Lab had its first safety audit by Vanderbilt Environmental Health & Safety, and we are extremely pleased to report that we received a score of 98.3%! We are proud to demonstrate excellent lab safety culture and maintain a safe laboratory environment.

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Mostafa Presents His Lipidomics Work at Metabolomics Summit

Nov. 3, 2017—On October 31st, Mostafa joined a distinguished group of speakers to present his lipidomics work at the Metabolomics Translational Research Summit, co-hosted by the Vanderbilt Center for Innovative Technology and Waters Corporation.  His talk was titled “Establishing a Shotgun Lipidomics Workflow for Human Plasma Analysis in Alzheimer’s Disease.” Congrats on this great opportunity to present...

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Kaitlyn Earns Conference Grant and Presents Poster at NOBCChE 2017

Nov. 3, 2017—Kaitlyn earned an Advancing Science Conference Grant from NOBCChE to attend NOBCChE 2017 in Minneapolis, MN, which took place from October 30 – November 3, 2017. She also presented a poster at NOBCChE, titled “Proteomics Analysis to Study Lipid Metabolism in Alzheimer’s Disease.” Congrats, Kaitlyn!

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