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Memory Sunday Acknowledges Terrible Loss with Hope for the Future

Posted by on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 in press.

For Release Time

June 8, 2021

Memory Sunday Acknowledges Terrible Loss with Hope for the Future

Faith leaders rally to increase awareness in the community hardest hit by Alzheimer’s disease

Nashville, TN— June 8, 2021 — Sunday June 13th is a national observance known as Memory Sunday, when African American faith leaders use the power of the pulpit to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease in the Black community.

Age is the key risk factor for Alzheimer’s in all groups, however compared to Non-Hispanic Whites, African Americans have twice the risk of being diagnosed. In addition to the personal loss of loved ones and family members, it is estimated that Black families shoulder approximately 30% of the nation’s cost burden for the disease, despite being only 13% of the US population.

The Vanderbilt Memory & Alzheimer’s Center is working to make discoveries in Alzheimer’s treatment and prevention and to figure out the complexities that creates these disparities. The Center will recognize June 13th as Memory Sunday by offering expertise, workshops and other forms of outreach to support churches in sharing information on Alzheimer’s risk factors and prevention to African Americans of all ages. You can find out more at

Some important risk factors include:

  • being female
  • being African American or south Asian
  • family history of Alzheimer’s
  • type 2 diabetes
  • cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure
  • obesity in mid-life
  • a history of depression
  • neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis
  • smoking
  • excessive alcohol use
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • a history of head injuries

For more information, press only:

Avery Haller

(206) 459-1768

For more information on outreach and events:

Pam Cowley

Community Outreach and Engagement Manager

(615) 875-3175