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Research Tools Category


Jan. 13, 2012—I wanted to quickly give some information about HASTAC that I mentioned in class. For those of us just entering the world of Digital Humanities, I think HASTAC provides a good jumping off point. Initially, I felt somewhat overwhelmed with HASTAC. But after attending the 2011 conference this past December, I’ve become aware that it...

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Who owns this site?

Jan. 12, 2012—It’s a good question. Someone else had a concept, roped me in and the site grows and changes with the input of many, many individuals. So my sense would be at first that no one “owns” the site. On the other hand, I do pay for the hosting, the WordPress theme, etc. Yet much of...

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Off we go!

Jan. 11, 2012—After months of brainstorming, planning and teeth-gnashing, our DH course starts today.  In the days to come, we’ll be joined by our graduate students as we explore digital tools, practices and questions that will make a difference in travel studies.  Bon voyage, bonne aventure!

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The voyage begins…

Dec. 1, 2011—Pre-modern travel.  “Digital Humanities.”  A brave new world not unlike other encounters with new and different cultures.  As we navigate this space, new to us though certainly not to others, we are blogging the creation of this site on pre-Columbian contact with the New World in a sort of travel journal inspired by Pordenone, Mandeville,...

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Second Life

Feb. 4, 2011—The Discovery of the Americas project in Second Life (SL) has as main aim the incorporation in SL of social media driven material – in the form of personal records (images, voice, text). An online platform where files with a limited size can be uploaded feeds the SL environment in a number of ways (data...

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