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Nakagawa Lab Publications


Ivica J , Kejzar N , Ho H , Stockwell I , Kuchtiak V , Scrutton AM , Nakagawa T , Greger IH , Proton-triggered rearrangement of the AMPA receptor N-terminal domains impacts receptor kinetics and synaptic localization Nature structural & molecular biology. 2024 Aug 13;
Nakagawa T , Wang XT , Miguez-Cabello FJ , Bowie D , The open gate of the AMPA receptor forms a Ca binding site critical in regulating ion transport Nature structural & molecular biology. 2024 Feb 26;


Perozzo AM , Schwenk J , Kamalova A , Nakagawa T , Fakler B , Bowie D , GSG1L-containing AMPA receptor complexes are defined by their spatiotemporal expression, native interactome and allosteric sites Nature communications. 2023 Oct 26; 14 (1). 6799
Singh PK , Cecchini G , Nakagawa T , Iverson TM , CryoEM structure of a post-assembly MS-ring reveals plasticity in stoichiometry and conformation PloS one. 2023 May 19; 18 (5). e0285343
Zhang D , Lape R , Shaikh SA , Kohegyi BK , Watson JF , Cais O , Nakagawa T , Greger IH , Modulatory mechanisms of TARP γ8-selective AMPA receptor therapeutics Nature communications. 2023 Mar 25; 14 (1). 1659


Hansen KB , Wollmuth LP , Bowie D , Furukawa H , Menniti FS , Sobolevsky AI , Swanson GT , Swanger SA , Greger IH , Nakagawa T , McBain CJ , Jayaraman V , Low CM , Dell'Acqua ML , Diamond JS , Camp CR , Perszyk RE , Yuan H , Traynelis SF , Structure, Function, and Pharmacology of Glutamate Receptor Ion Channels Pharmacological reviews. 2021 ; 73 (4). 298-487


Kendall AK , Xie B , Xu P , Wang J , Burcham R , Frazier MN , Binshtein E , Wei H , Graham TR , Nakagawa T , Jackson LP , Mammalian Retromer Is an Adaptable Scaffold for Cargo Sorting from Endosomes Structure (London, England : 1993). 2020 Feb 04;
Perfitt TL , Wang X , Dickerson MT , Stephenson JR , Nakagawa T , Jacobson DA , Colbran RJ , Neuronal L-Type Calcium Channel Signaling to the Nucleus Requires a Novel CaMKIIα-Shank3 Interaction The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2020 Feb 03;
Kamalova A , Nakagawa T , AMPA receptor structure and auxiliary subunits The Journal of physiology. 2020 Jan 31;
Azumaya CM , Linton EA , Risener CJ , Nakagawa T , Karakas E , Cryo-EM structure of human type-3 inositol triphosphate receptor reveals the presence of a self-binding peptide that acts as an antagonist The Journal of biological chemistry. 2020 Jan 08;


Nakagawa T , Structures of the AMPA receptor in complex with its auxiliary subunit cornichon Science (New York, N.Y.). 2019 Dec 6; 366 (6470). 1259-1263


Sierra-Valdez F , Azumaya CM , Romero LO , Nakagawa T , Cordero-Morales JF , Structure-function analyses of the ion channel TRPC3 reveal that its cytoplasmic domain allosterically modulates channel gating The Journal of biological chemistry. 2018 Aug 23;
Azumaya CM , Sierra-Valdez F , Cordero-Morales JF , Nakagawa T , Cryo-EM structure of the cytoplasmic domain of murine transient receptor potential cation channel su… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2018 May 11;


Savas JN , Wang YZ , DeNardo LA , Martinez-Bartolome S , McClatchy DB , Hark TJ , Shanks NF , Cozzolino KA , Lavallée-Adam M , Smukowski SN , Park SK , Kelly JW , Koo EH , Nakagawa T , Masliah E , Ghosh A , Yates JR , Amyloid Accumulation Drives Proteome-wide Alterations in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease-like Pa… Cell reports. 2017 Nov 28; 21 (9). 2614-2627
Wang X , Marks CR , Perfitt TL , Nakagawa T , Lee A , Jacobson DA , Colbran RJ , A novel mechanism for Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II targeting to L-type Ca(2+) chann… The Journal of biological chemistry. 2017 Sep 15;
Stephenson JR , Wang X , Perfitt TL , Parrish WP , Shonesy BC , Marks CR , Mortlock DP , Nakagawa T , Sutcliffe JS , Colbran RJ , A Novel Human CAMK2A Mutation Disrupts Dendritic Morphology and Synaptic Transmission, and Causes AS… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2017 Feb 22; 37 (8). 2216-2233
Azumaya CM , Days EL , Vinson PN , Stauffer S , Sulikowski G , Weaver CD , Nakagawa T , Screening for AMPA receptor auxiliary subunit specific modulators. PloS one. 2017 ; 12 (3). e0174742


Elegheert J , Kakegawa W , Clay JE , Shanks NF , Behiels E , Matsuda K , Kohda K , Miura E , Rossmann M , Mitakidis N , Motohashi J , Chang VT , Siebold C , Greger IH , Nakagawa T , Yuzaki M , Aricescu AR , Structural basis for integration of GluD receptors within synaptic organizer complexes. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2016 Jul 15; 353 (6296). 295-9


Coles CH , Mitakidis N , Zhang P , Elegheert J , Lu W , Stoker AW , Nakagawa T , Craig AM , Jones EY , Aricescu AR , Structural basis for extracellular cis and trans RPTPσ signal competition in synaptogenesis. Nature communications. 2014 ; 5 5209
Shanks NF , Cais O , Maruo T , Savas JN , Zaika EI , Azumaya CM , Yates JR , Greger I , Nakagawa T , Molecular dissection of the interaction between the AMPA receptor and cornichon homolog-3. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2014 Sep 3; 34 (36). 12104-20


Shanks NF , Savas JN , Maruo T , Cais O , Hirao A , Oe S , Ghosh A , Noda Y , Greger IH , Yates JR , Nakagawa T , Differences in AMPA and kainate receptor interactomes facilitate identification of AMPA receptor aux… Cell reports. 2012 Jun 28; 1 (6). 590-8


Farina AN , Blain KY , Maruo T , Kwiatkowski W , Choe S , Nakagawa T , Separation of domain contacts is required for heterotetrameric assembly of functional NMDA receptors… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2011 Mar 9; 31 (10). 3565-79
Nakagawa T , Hoogenraad CC , Lentiviral transgenesis. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2011 ; 693 117-42


Nakagawa T , The biochemistry, ultrastructure, and subunit assembly mechanism of AMPA receptors. Molecular neurobiology. 2010 Dec ; 42 (3). 161-84
Comoletti D , Miller MT , Jeffries CM , Wilson J , Demeler B , Taylor P , Trewhella J , Nakagawa T , The macromolecular architecture of extracellular domain of alphaNRXN1: domain organization, flexibil… Structure (London, England : 1993). 2010 Aug 11; 18 (8). 1044-53
Shanks NF , Maruo T , Farina AN , Ellisman MH , Nakagawa T , Contribution of the global subunit structure and stargazin on the maturation of AMPA receptors. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2010 Feb 17; 30 (7). 2728-40


Fischer A , Garcia-Rodriguez C , Geren I , Lou J , Marks JD , Nakagawa T , Montal M , Molecular architecture of botulinum neurotoxin E revealed by single particle electron microscopy. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2008 Feb 15; 283 (7). 3997-4003


Cheng D , Hoogenraad CC , Rush J , Ramm E , Schlager MA , Duong DM , Xu P , Wijayawardana SR , Hanfelt J , Nakagawa T , Sheng M , Peng J , Relative and absolute quantification of postsynaptic density proteome isolated from rat forebrain an… Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 2006 Jun ; 5 (6). 1158-70
Nakagawa T , Cheng Y , Sheng M , Walz T , Three-dimensional structure of an AMPA receptor without associated stargazin/TARP proteins. Biological chemistry. 2006 Feb ; 387 (2). 179-87
Nakagawa T , Feliu-Mojer MI , Wulf P , Lois C , Sheng M , Hoogenraad CC , Generation of lentiviral transgenic rats expressing glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 (GRIP1)… Journal of neuroscience methods. 2006 Apr 15; 152 (1-2). 1-9


Nakagawa T , Cheng Y , Ramm E , Sheng M , Walz T , Structure and different conformational states of native AMPA receptor complexes. Nature. 2005 Feb 3; 433 (7025). 545-9
Chen X , Vinade L , Leapman RD , Petersen JD , Nakagawa T , Phillips TM , Sheng M , Reese TS , Mass of the postsynaptic density and enumeration of three key molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 Aug 9; 102 (32). 11551-6
Takao K , Okamoto K , Nakagawa T , Neve RL , Nagai T , Miyawaki A , Hashikawa T , Kobayashi S , Hayashi Y , Visualization of synaptic Ca2+ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activity in living neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2005 Mar 23; 25 (12). 3107-12


Nakagawa T , Futai K , Lashuel HA , Lo I , Okamoto K , Walz T , Hayashi Y , Sheng M , Quaternary structure, protein dynamics, and synaptic function of SAP97 controlled by L27 domain inte… Neuron. 2004 Oct 28; 44 (3). 453-67
Nakagawa T , Engler JA , Sheng M , The dynamic turnover and functional roles of alpha-actinin in dendritic spines. Neuropharmacology. 2004 Oct ; 47 (5). 734-45
Schulz TW , Nakagawa T , Licznerski P , Pawlak V , Kolleker A , Rozov A , Kim J , Dittgen T , Köhr G , Sheng M , Seeburg PH , Osten P , Actin/alpha-actinin-dependent transport of AMPA receptors in dendritic spines: role of the PDZ-LIM p… The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2004 Sep 29; 24 (39). 8584-94


Passafaro M , Nakagawa T , Sala C , Sheng M , Induction of dendritic spines by an extracellular domain of AMPA receptor subunit GluR2. Nature. 2003 Aug 7; 424 (6949). 677-81


Sheng M , Nakagawa T , Neurobiology: glutamate receptors on the move. Nature. 2002 Jun 6; 417 (6889). 601-2
Nakajima K , Takei Y , Tanaka Y , Nakagawa T , Nakata T , Noda Y , Setou M , Hirokawa N , Molecular motor KIF1C is not essential for mouse survival and motor-dependent retrograde Golgi appar… Molecular and cellular biology. 2002 Feb ; 22 (3). 866-73


Zhao C , Takita J , Tanaka Y , Setou M , Nakagawa T , Takeda S , Yang HW , Terada S , Nakata T , Takei Y , Saito M , Tsuji S , Hayashi Y , Hirokawa N , Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A caused by mutation in a microtubule motor KIF1Bbeta. Cell. 2001 Jun 1; 105 (5). 587-97


Setou M , Nakagawa T , Seog DH , Hirokawa N , Kinesin superfamily motor protein KIF17 and mLin-10 in NMDA receptor-containing vesicle transport. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2000 Jun 9; 288 (5472). 1796-802
Nakagawa T , Sheng M , Neurobiology. A stargazer foretells the way to the synapse. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2000 Dec 22; 290 (5500). 2270-1
Nakagawa T , Setou M , Seog D , Ogasawara K , Dohmae N , Takio K , Hirokawa N , A novel motor, KIF13A, transports mannose-6-phosphate receptor to plasma membrane through direct int… Cell. 2000 Nov 10; 103 (4). 569-81


Nakagawa T , Tanaka Y , Matsuoka E , Kondo S , Okada Y , Noda Y , Kanai Y , Hirokawa N , Identification and classification of 16 new kinesin superfamily (KIF) proteins in mouse genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1997 Sep 2; 94 (18). 9654-9


Nakagawa T , Chen J , Zhang Z , Kanai Y , Hirokawa N , Two distinct functions of the carboxyl-terminal tail domain of NF-M upon neurofilament assembly: cro… The Journal of cell biology. 1995 Apr ; 129 (2). 411-29