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DREME Math Observer

Posted by on Friday, August 2, 2024 in Uncategorized.

The DREME Math Observer is an innovative tool designed to support instructional leaders, principals, and early math teachers in improving math teaching practices. Traditionally, classroom observations have been limited to evaluations, offering little constructive feedback for educators. To address this, the COHERE project collaborated with various stakeholders to create an app that provides structured, content-specific feedback for math education from Pre-K through early elementary school. This app is adaptable to the needs of different users, whether it’s for targeted coaching, broad school-wide assessments, or peer learning among teachers. The practices it emphasizes are backed by cutting-edge research and align with established standards like the Common Core Mathematical Practices and NCTM effective teaching practices.

The app offers a range of features that facilitate observation, reflection, and professional development. Users can document notes, track engagement, capture photos of effective strategies, and monitor trends over time. It also includes guiding questions to help educators build on strengths and explore new approaches. The DREME Math Observer is designed to be user-friendly on mobile devices, making it easy to conduct observations and maintain records. By using this tool, schools can enhance math instruction and foster a more dynamic and effective learning environment.


Kelley Durkin
Research Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning

DREME Personnel

Dale Farran
Emerita Professor, Teaching and Learning
Luke Rainey
Research Coordinator, DREME Math Observer
Ilknur Sekmen
Data Analyst, DREME Math Observer

Funding Sources
