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C2STEM: Collaborative Computational STEM

Posted by on Thursday, June 20, 2024 in Uncategorized.

 C2STEM (Collaborative Computational STEM) is a collaborative problem-solving environment where students work in pairs to develop computational models of scientific processes such as Physics and Marine Biology. It is a multi-institutional project aimed at designing and developing a learning environment that integrates visual programming with domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs). This novel computational paradigm promotes discipline-specific computational modeling while providing synergistic learning of both discipline-specific and computer science concepts and practices. This system has several teacher-developed formative assessments that go with the curriculum, which makes it possible for us to study progressions in student learning.

How to Get Involved:

C2STEM welcomes collaborations from researchers in learning sciences, learning analytics, and education who may want to work on extending these projects and analyzing the multimodal data that has been collected in classroom studies.


Gautam Biswas
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor, Engineering

C2STEM Personnel

Clayton Cohn
PhD Student, Computer Science
Shruti Jain
PhD Student, Computer Science
Naveeduddin (Naveed) Mohammed
Research Engineer, Institute for Software Integrated Systems
Caitlin Snyder
PhD Student, Computer Science
Namrata Srivastava
Research Scientist, Computer Science
Ashwin Tudur Sadashiva
Research Scientist, ISIS

Core Publications

Hutchins, N.M., Biswas, G., Maróti, M., Lédeczi, Á., Grover, S., Wolf, R., … & McElhaney, K. (2020). C2STEM: a System for Synergistic Learning of Physics and Computational Thinking. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 29(1), 83-100.Technology.

Zhang N., Biswas G., McElhaney K.W., Basu S., McBride E., Chiu J.L. (2020). Studying the Interactions Between Science, Engineering, and Computational Thinking in a Learning-by-Modeling Environment. In: Bittencourt I., Cukurova M., Muldner K., Luckin R., Millán E. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12163. Springer, Cham.

Snyder, C., Hutchins, N.M., Cohn, C., Fonteles, J.H., & Biswas, G. (2024). Analyzing Students Collaborative Problem-Solving Behaviors in Synergistic STEM+C Learning. The 14th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Kyoto, Japan, March 18-22, 2024

Funding Sources
