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Participatory Quantitative Ethnography

Posted by on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 in Uncategorized.

Participatory quantitative ethnography has emerged as QE scholars have recognized the need to support equitable researcher-participant relations in the co-construction of knowledge. Calls for imagining and designing possibilities for such collaboration agree on the potential of already existing tools, such as Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA), within QE. Traditionally, ENA has been used by researchers as it was created for data analysis tasks, typically conducted by research experts. In recognizing that ENA can be expanded to accommodate researcher and participants’ interactions, we have developed a tool for this purpose. CONNECT — A Tool for Researchers and Participants to Co-Interpret Findings Connect supports researcher-participant co-interpretation of discourse data. The online tool is a collaborative space hosted in R Shiny App, where researchers and participants can analyze data together by creating networks based on themes or codes from the data. Researchers and participants can work together to discuss and debate how to create data visualizations and interpretations that are supported by evidence in the discourse data.

How to Get Involved:

The Connect Team is looking for collaborators to 1) help refine and develop the tool further, and 2) to use and test the tool with partners who are looking to visualize and analyze discourse, text, and multimodal data.

Connect PI

Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens
Assistant Professor, Human-Centered Learning Technologies

External Collaborator

Hazel Vega Quesada, Clemson University

Core Publications

Vega. H. (2022). Creating and Discussing Discourse Networks with Research Participants: What Can we Learn? Copenhagen, Denmark. Fourth International Conference of Quantitative Ethnography. ICQE 2022.

Buckingham Shum, S., Arastoopour Irgens, G., Moots, H., Phillips, M., Shah, M., Vega, H., & Wooldridge, A. (2021). “Participatory Quantitative Ethnography” In Wasson, B. & Zörgő, S. (Eds.), Third International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, ICQE 2021. Malibu, CA, USA. November 6 – 11, 2021.

Vega, H. & Arastoopour Irgens, G. (2021). “Constructing Interpretations with Participants through Epistemic Network Analysis: Towards Participatory Approaches in Quantitative Ethnography” In Wasson, B. & Zörgő, S. (Eds.), Third International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, ICQE 2021. Malibu, CA, USA. November 6 – 11, 2021.

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