News & Past Events
Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for more news!!
Maggie Fye and Avishkar Sawant presented their talks at ASCB 2023 in Boston! Alisa Cario, as well as Maggie and Avishkar, also presented posters! And the gang had a great celebratory dinner afterwards! All in all, a wonderful way to end the year.
Happy Halloween!! Kaverina lab’s Annual Pumpkin Carving 2023 is a success as usual!
The gang attends the annual PDB retreat at beautiful Montgomery Bell State Park!
Maggie Fye receives the Dean’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Graduate Studies! Congrats, Maggie!
Kai Bracey defends his thesis and becomes a full-fledged PhD! Congrats, Dr. Bracey, we are so proud of you!!!
The lab attends the annual CDB retreat! Cheers to another year of silliness for the Kaverina lab.
The lab attends ASCB 2022, and Kai presents his work! Great job, Kai!
Kaverina Lab Pumpkin Carving 2022!
The lab attends the annual PDB retreat (and is silly as always)!
The lab attends the first annual Center for Mechanobiology retreat!
Alisa Cario joins the lab as a postdoctoral researcher, working on CLASP! Welcome Alisa!
Maggie Fye passes her qualifying exam and becomes a PhD candidate! Congrats, Maggie!
Kaverina Lab at the CDB retreat!
Lab members enjoyed outdoor activities and riveting poster sessions at CDB retreat.
Irina presents the CDB DEI Award to Gabriella Robertson!
Shwetha defends her dissertation! Congrats Dr. Narasimhan!
Claire and Pi’ilani join the lab as PhD students. Welcome!!
Briahnah celebrates graduation! Congratulations!! All the best!
Claire Scott, Pi’ilani Noguchi and Emely Henriquez Pilier join the lab as rotation students! Welcome!
Kaverina lab celebrates the Holiday season!
Kaverina lab at the CDB retreat 2021!
Kaverina lab pumpkin carving 2021!
Dr. Avishkar Sawant joins as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
John Lee joins as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
Caroline Bodnya joins as a rotation student. Welcome!
Kaverina lab lunch at Mellow Mushroom!
Shwetha gives ReX presentation to the CDB department!
Margret (Maggie) Fye joins the lab as a PhD student! Welcome to the lab, Maggie!
Malek Jacobs joins the lab as a PhD student! Welcome to the lab, Malek!
Keyada’s paper “Cell Cycle-Dependent Dynamics of the Golgi-Centrosome Association in Motile Cells.” is published in Cells journal Apr 2020 issue! Check it out!
Keyada defends her thesis! Congrats Dr. Frye!
Kung-Hsien’s paper ‘Glucose Regulates Microtubule Disassembly and the Dose of Insulin Secretion via Tau Phosphorylation.’ is published in Diabetes journal Sep 2020 issue! Check it out!
Kai gives ReX presentation to the CDB department!
Shwetha and Kung-Hsien present posters at Cell Bio Virtual (ASCB 2020)! Good job!
Fall 2019
The Kaverina lab attended the PDB retreat! Congrats Anneke and Kathryn on your prizes!
Justin presents his research from the Kaverina lab at the undergrad science fair. Good job!
Check out Kai and Kung- Hsien’s new publication- “Microtubules Regulate Localization and Availability of Insulin Granules in Pancreatic Beta Cells” in Biophysical Journal.
Kai won the best grad student poster award at the Vanderbilt Diabetes Symposium. Congrats!
Daniel Okoye joins the lab for a rotation. Welcome!
Briahnah Streeter and Hudson McKinney join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!
Anneke presents a poster at ASCB 2019 in DC!
Summer 2019
Kai Bracey is awarded a F31 Predoctoral Fellowship from the NIH for his research. Well done!
Irina and Kai attend the ‘Motile and Contractile Systems’ Gordon Research Conference to present data!
The Kaverina lab enjoys summer lunch at Taziki Bar and Grill!
Kathryn and Justin’s paper accepted in Current Biology! Good job!
Spring 2019
Nivan Wadhawan and Corey Li join the Kaverina lab as undergrad researchers. Welcome!
December 2018
Keyada Frye’s project was presented as a micro symposium talk by Irina, Roslin Thoppil and Anneke Sanders presented posters at ASCB in San Diego! Good job!
Shwetha is one of the 10 winners in the Vector labs image competition 2018. She also won a 24 x 24 inch canvas of her work! Great Job!
August 2018
Irina is nominated as the NIH graduate student invited speaker!
Irina is appointed to the NIH CSR Panel “Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Structure/Function and Dynamics Study Section” [NCSD] as a standing member! Brilliant!
Steven Walker joins the lab as a rotation student.
July 2018
Hamida Ahmed is the new lab manager. Glad to have you, Hamida!
Brian Domin leaves as lab manager. We miss you already!
June 2018
Kevin Chang finishes undergraduate degree and is off to next chapter in research in California! Good luck, Kevin!
Kai Bracey passes the qual! Good job, Kai!
May 2018
Keyada wins Best poster award at the Cell dynamics symposium 2018! Smashing!!
Keyada and Shwetha present posters at the Cell dynamics symposium 2018.
Roslin gives a talk on CLASPs and their function at the CDB retreat 2018. Nice job!
Shwetha wins second place in the 2018 CDB Best Image competition. Good work!
Shwetha and Kai present posters at the CDB retreat 2018.
Irina is part of the “Microtubules: From Atoms to Complex Systems” EMBO/EMBL symposium 2018 in Heidelberg, Germany!
April 2018
Roslin wins the AHA postdoctoral fellowship!! Excellent news, Roslin!
Shwetha wins the AHA predoctoral fellowship!! Fantastic job, Shwetha!
Irina wins the prestigious MIRA (R35) for NIH NIGMS “Dynamic architecture of microtubule networks”!! Great news!
March 2018
Shwetha passes the qual! Good job, Shwetha!
Keyada excels at the ReX presentation 2018! We loved your work!
February 2018
Irina presents a talk at the Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN!
November 2017
Irina gives a seminar at Albany Medical College!
July 2017
Shwetha joins the Kaverina lab. Welcome Shwetha!
Irina is a speaker at the prestigious Gordon Conference on Motile and Contractile Systems at New London, NH. Her talk is on “Regulation of Golgi-derived microtubules on different time scale”.
May 2017
Kai joins the lab. Welcome Kai!!