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VISRA student Akib Khan joins the lab for the Summer

Jun. 7, 2016—"I am a student of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have been selected for the Vanderbilt International Summer Research Academy (VISRA) undergrad program for the June-July session 2016.  It is a great honor and pleasure for me to know that I have been assigned to the Gama lab for this program....

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Graduate students Megan Merolla and Natalya Ortolano join the lab!

Apr. 30, 2016—We are thrilled to have Megan and Natalya joining our lab. Megan will work on Mcl-1's role in mitochondrial dynamics and self-renewal while Natalya will examine the function of Cul9 in mitosis. 

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